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发布时间:2018-06-01 23:40

  本文选题:商业合同 + 合同翻译 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, China's foreign trade scale is growing, commercial contracts play an important role in economic and trade. In trade exchanges, especially in the second and third industries, China has frequent trade contacts with foreign countries and various types of contracts. Business contracts are characterized by formality, seriousness and legal force. Any misinterpretation or omission will cause immeasurable damage to both parties. After some collection and comparison of many non-literary materials, this report finally selects a coke purchase and marketing contract, which not only meets the professional requirements but also has a strong practicality. In the process of translation, the author first makes an independent translation of the material. After the completion of the first translation, on the one hand, the author refers to the translation of the relevant parallel texts to modify, on the other hand, the author also sums up some translation experiences. Under the guidance of Skopos, this paper studies and analyses the material from its textual features to its lexical and sentence features. Through the research materials, the author has a deeper understanding of non-literary translation, including contractual translation: it is necessary to read more and accumulate translation experience. For this material, we must first grasp the language characteristics of the material, with the help of theoretical guidance, translate the material more accurately; be proficient in the use of relevant translation methods and techniques when encountered with key and difficult points; after the completion of the translation report, In order to avoid mistakes and improve the level of translation, we should constantly reflect on the problems in the process of translation and sum up the experience and lessons learned.


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