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发布时间:2018-06-02 20:34

  本文选题:畅销书 + 功能对等 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文选取了美国畅销书作家亚历山大·富勒(AlexandraFuller,1969)的自传《雨季来临前离开》(Leaving Before the RainsCome,2015)的部分章节作为翻译文本。作者富勒从小生活在父母关系复杂并经历过罗德西亚战争的家庭,遍尝痛苦的滋味,与丈夫的婚姻失败更让她身心疲惫,她想从过去的经历中找到治愈痛苦的良药,但她最终发现,与其一辈子都去期盼和等待某个救世主出现,还不如自救。报告以功能对等理论为指导,对于翻译中遇到的词汇,句法方面遇到的问题进行分析,找出解决方案。具体来说,在词汇层面,本报告探讨了目标语的选择以及有文化内涵的词汇相关翻译方法,包括转换和释义;在句法层面,本报告论述了直译和意译的选择,以及长句翻译中拆分和顺译的翻译策略。通过案例分析笔者得出结论,翻译畅销书时通过选择恰当的翻译策略,能够在词汇和句法层面实现功能对等,使译语读者和源语读者获得大体相同的阅读效果。本翻译报告包括四个章节。第一章介绍文本作者生平、写作风格以及文本内容,指出选取该文本的意义,介绍报告的结构。第二章概述功能对等理论,并探讨该理论在翻译畅销书文本时的适用性。第三章结合功能对等理论,对于翻译过程中遇到的词汇、句法等方面的难点使用不同的翻译策略进行举例分析。第四章则总结了本次翻译实践的发现及不足。
[Abstract]:This paper selects some chapters of the autobiography "leaving before the rainy season" by American best-selling author Alexandra Fullern ("leaving before the rainy season") as translation text. Fuller grew up in a family where her parents had complicated relationships and lived through the Luo De War. She tasted pain, and her failure in marriage with her husband made her physically and mentally tired. She wanted to find a cure for her pain from her past experiences. But she found it better to save herself than to expect and wait for a savior all her life. Guided by functional equivalence theory, the paper analyzes the lexical and syntactic problems encountered in translation and finds out solutions. Specifically, at the lexical level, the present report discusses the choice of target language and culture-related lexical translation methods, including translation and interpretation, while at the syntactic level, it discusses the choice of literal and free translation. And the translation strategy of split harmony in long sentence translation. Through the case study, the author concludes that by choosing appropriate translation strategies, the author can achieve functional equivalence at the lexical and syntactic levels, so that the target readers and the source readers can achieve the same reading effect. This translation report consists of four chapters. The first chapter introduces the author's life, writing style and content, points out the significance of choosing the text, and introduces the structure of the report. Chapter two summarizes the theory of functional equivalence and discusses its applicability in the translation of best-selling texts. Chapter three combines functional equivalence theory to analyze the lexical and syntactic difficulties encountered in the process of translation with different translation strategies. Chapter four summarizes the findings and shortcomings of this translation practice.


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