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发布时间:2018-06-04 02:47

  本文选题:光山花鼓戏 + 中国民俗文化 ; 参考:《信阳师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Guangshan Flower Drum Drama in Xinyang area is a rare kind of drama in Henan Province, which was listed as the key salvage project of folk cultural heritage in Henan Province in 2004 and 2014, and the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. As a characteristic folk custom in Henan, Guang Shan Flower Drum Opera contains profound cultural connotation. Translation and promotion of Guang Shan Flower Drum Opera is one of the important ways for the international community to understand this kind of Chinese folklore culture and plays a very important role in promoting the exchange between different cultures. The translation of Guang Shan Flower Drum Opera is becoming more and more important. However, at present, the author has not found the English translation text of Xinyang Guangshan Flower Drum Opera in the database and other network resources. This translation practice is the first attempt to select part of the content of Guangshan Flower Drum Drama, published by Henan people's Publishing House and edited by Yang Liping, in order to spread Guang Shan Flower Drum Drama and highlight Chinese folk culture. To promote its march to the world stage. The translation of Guang Shan Flower Drum Opera text should also be different from that of other texts. Appropriate theoretical guidance and proper translation methods can faithfully and smoothly translate Guangshan Flower Drum Opera in order to spread Chinese folk culture. Under the guidance of functionalist Skopos theory, the author aims to spread Chinese culture to the target language readers in order to explore the effective translation methods of Chinese folklore texts. In view of the translation difficulties encountered in translation, such as words, sentences, texts and the characteristic culture of Guanshan Flower and Drum Opera, the author discusses specific translation methods, such as alienation and domestication, literal translation plus interpretation, free translation, transliteration. In order to better propagate Guangshan Flower Drum Opera and promote Chinese traditional folklore culture to the world, transliteration and annotation can overcome the cultural differences between China and Britain. At the same time, it also hopes to provide reference for the translation practice of this kind of text, deepen the understanding of functional Skopos theory, and improve the translator's translation ability and translation practice level. The translation practice report consists of six parts: introduction, theoretical guidance, translation task description, Skopos theory under the guidance of Guang Shan flower drum drama text translation research, Guangshan flower drum drama characteristic culture translation method, translation practice summary.


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