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发布时间:2018-06-04 08:52

  本文选题:蒙古族学生 + 汉族学生 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:For most English learners nowadays, the accuracy, clarity and fluency of spoken English are the basic requirements of English communication, so English learners in China attach more importance to oral English expression. But for the Mongolian students in China, their oral English expression is influenced by the first language and the second language-Mongolian and Chinese, because of the interlingual influence. Mongolian students will face more challenges in learning oral English. Taking Mongolian and Han students in a senior high school in Tongliao as a case study, this paper analyzes the differences between Mongolian and Han students' oral English learning ability by investigating their present situation of oral English learning. Based on the theory of second language acquisition (SLA), this study focuses on the following three questions: 1) what is the present situation of the students' oral English learning in this school? What are the phonetic differences? (3) what are the differences in the accuracy and fluency of the oral expression of the Mongolian and Han senior high school students? In order to answer the above questions, the author conducted a questionnaire survey on 155 students in grade two of senior high school, and emphatically interviewed 50 of them. The author entered the data into SPSS17.0 for statistical analysis. The results showed that there was no significant difference in segmental pronunciation between Mongolian and Han nationality students, but in the supersyllabic features, due to the influence of mother tongue transfer, Mongolian students naturally put the stress syllable on the first syllable in the process of spelling English words, while the Han students are more able to follow the stress position of the word itself. According to the proportion between the number of wrong words used and the total number of words produced by Mongolian and Han students, there is little difference in the accuracy of oral expression between Mongolian and Han students. According to the number of words per minute and the number of unnatural pauses, Mongolian students are not as fluent in oral English as Han students.


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