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发布时间:2018-06-04 22:52

  本文选题:中巴经济走廊 + 功能目的论 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the exchanges and cooperation between China and Pakistan have entered a new stage of historical development, and the implementation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has strengthened the economic ties between China and Pakistan. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the social situation in Pakistan. It is for this purpose that this practical report is aimed at both ordinary citizens who want to understand Pakistan's history and present situation and scholars who study Pakistan. The framework of this practice report is as follows: part I, the origin of translation, including the social background in which the report is written and the practical significance of the writing of the report; part two, the introduction of translation tasks, including the author of the monograph. The main contents of the monographs and the language characteristics of the monographs, the difficult points of translation and the translation steps, etc. The third part is also the most important part, that is, the theoretical framework of translation adopted in this practical report. Among them, it mainly introduces the functional Skopos theory, the three principles that the theory should follow and the translation methods under the guidance of the theory. The author makes a detailed analysis of the various translation methods used in the process of translation, which is the main content of this practical report. Part five, the translation summary, points out the shortcomings of the translator's translation and the enlightenment brought by this practical report. In order to achieve a smooth end. This practical report, written against the background of the era of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, can provide a relatively true channel for the domestic public to understand the history of Pakistan, as well as broaden the channels for Pakistani researchers to obtain original data. Has certain realistic significance.


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