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发布时间:2018-06-05 03:42

  本文选题:词义概念 + 英语教学 ; 参考:《课程.教材.教法》2017年09期

[Abstract]:The deep reading teaching is not only shallow reading, shallow teaching and learning, but also adopting the strategies of problem, demonstration and training to guide students to acquire factual knowledge, to carry out critical thinking and to carry out creative expression activities. The meaning of words is the combination of speech and thinking, and the process of understanding the meaning of words is the process of speech and thinking activities. Taking word meaning as the power source of deep reading, organizing the word meaning point question, word meaning generalization, word meaning drawing line and other thinking activities, can train the students' language ability and thinking quality.
【作者单位】: 福建师范大学外国语学院;


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