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发布时间:2018-06-05 13:43

  本文选题:目的论 + 语义翻译 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a translation practice report. Henry Paulson, former U.S. Treasury Secretary, "dealing with China-an insider's analysis of a new economic power." Chapter 20 of part three. The book is a three-part memoir by Henry Paulson. The third part deals with the relationship between China and the United States during Henry Paulson's tenure at the Paulson Institute. In Chapter 20 of the original, "the Future Development Direction", Henry Paulson explains in detail to readers some problems existing in the development of Sino-US relations, and gives some personal suggestions. Most notable is his eight principles for dealing with China, which allows readers to look at Sino-US relations from an American perspective. This is a brand-new experience with guidance and enlightenment. According to the genre of the report, the translator chooses Newmark's semantic translation theory as the theoretical basis. In addition, the translator also uses Skopos theory to guide the translation process. The semi-autobiographical text is classified according to Newmark's text type, and semi-autobiographical text is an expressive text. Expressive text is more about content than effect. In translation, the translator is faithful to the content of the original text and, as far as possible, reflects what the original author wants to express in the target language. Skopos theory holds that the primary principle of all translation activities is the Skopos principle, and that the target audience is one of the important factors determining the translation purpose, so the translator should pay special attention to the choice of words in the process of translation. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part, introduction. This part introduces the background, purpose, significance and structure of the translation project. The second part gives a brief introduction to the original author and the main contents of the original text, and analyzes the characteristics of the original language. The difficulties and methods of translation will be presented in the form of examples. In the process of translation, the main methods are inversion, syntactic disassembly, conversion and so on. The fourth part contains the translator's experience in the process of translation and some difficulties in translation.


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