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发布时间:2018-06-05 17:25

  本文选题:交替传译 + 电影讲座 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在中国走向世界的今天,中国与世界各国的文化交流日益密切。在这个过程中,口译服务起到了打破语言障碍、沟通中国与世界的重要作用。2016年7月,来自加拿大里贾纳大学的访问学者,加拿大籍保加利亚裔Christina Stojanova与吉林大学艺术学院进行学术交流,举办了一场名为“中东欧电影”的学术讲座。笔者在现场进行讲座的英汉交替口译,会后将此次讲座录音转录成文本,以此为语料撰写本篇口译实践报告,通过对整个口译过程的分析及口译质量评估,发现口译实践中的问题与不足,分析原因并提出了提升口译质量的可行性方案,以期对口译学习与实践提供指导。由于本次口译活动为无稿交传,且讲者为非英语母语人士,其口音与表达习惯造成笔者听辨与理解障碍,以及笔者自身能力不足,在后期转录文本分析中发现诸多问题。本文以鲍刚先生提出的口译标准为质量评估标准,对译文进行分析与评估。报告介绍了选题背景,讲者与讲座简介;回顾了口译任务开展前期准备工作,包括与讲者提前沟通与讲座内容预测;从目的语的用词、句式、信息传达和逻辑表达四大方面进行问题分析,并探讨其原因,包括英语听力薄弱、缺乏背景知识和词汇积累、短时记忆薄弱与笔记不足、汉语表达不畅;针对上文中问题及原因的分析,提出了提升译语质量的解决方案,包括口译任务开展之前的长期储备、任务开展时的注意事项和口译过后的反馈与反思。通过对此次口译实践的反思,笔者意识到要保证高质量的口译输出,必须具备双语及背景知识的双重储备,并且加以扎实的口译训练与实践。
[Abstract]:Today, as China moves into the world, the cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world are getting closer and closer. In the process, interpretation services played an important role in breaking the language barrier and connecting China with the world. In July 2016, visiting scholars from the University of Regina, Canada, Canadian Bulgarian Christina Stojanova and Jilin University School of Art for academic exchanges, held an academic lecture called "Central and Eastern Europe Film." After the lecture was transcribed into a text, the author used it as a corpus to write this interpretation practice report. Through the analysis of the whole interpretation process and the evaluation of interpretation quality, the author made an analysis of the whole interpretation process and evaluated the interpretation quality. This paper finds out the problems and shortcomings in interpreting practice, analyzes the reasons and puts forward a feasible scheme to improve the quality of interpreting, in order to provide guidance for the study and practice of interpreting. Due to the fact that the interpreter is a non-native speaker whose accent and expression habits cause the author to have difficulty in listening and understanding and the author's own ability is insufficient many problems have been found in the post-transcripts analysis. Based on the interpretation standard put forward by Mr. Bao Gang, this paper analyzes and evaluates the translation. The report introduces the background of the topic, the brief introduction of the speaker and the lecture, reviews the preparatory work of the interpretation task, including communicating with the speaker in advance and predicting the content of the lecture, and describes the words and sentence patterns of the target language. Four aspects of information transmission and logical expression are analyzed, and the reasons are discussed, including weak English listening, lack of background knowledge and vocabulary accumulation, weak short-term memory and insufficient notes, and poor expression in Chinese. Based on the analysis of the above problems and their causes, this paper puts forward solutions to improve the quality of the target language, including the long-term reserve before the implementation of the interpretation task, the matters needing attention when the task is carried out, and the feedback and reflection after the interpretation. Through reflection on the interpretation practice, the author realizes that to guarantee the high quality interpretation output, it is necessary to have a dual reserve of bilingual and background knowledge, and to have solid interpretation training and practice.


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