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发布时间:2018-06-06 02:43

  本文选题:许渊冲 + 《汉英对照汉魏六朝诗》 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着中国的国际地位日益提高,中华文化外译已成为当今时代的热门话题。著名翻译家、北京大学教授许渊冲先生为中华传统文化的对外输出作出了卓越贡献。许先生将大量的中国古典诗歌译为英文、法文,《汉英对照汉魏六朝诗》就是其中之一。在文学翻译尤其是汉英诗歌翻译中,对文化差异的处理是一大难点,也是影响翻译效果的一大关键因素。因此,本文将许渊冲英译《汉魏六朝诗》对文化差异的处理作为研究主题。本文将著名英国翻译理论家苏珊·巴斯内特(Susan Bassnett)的文化翻译理论作为指导理论,来评析许渊冲英译《汉魏六朝诗》对文化差异的处理。其中,本文重点使用了巴斯内特论述诗歌翻译的"种子移植"理论,以及评价翻译效果的"文化功能对等"理论。本文也介绍了许渊冲的文学翻译理论,并将二者的理论进行比较。巴斯内特的理论为指导理论,用于评析译例;许渊冲的理论能帮助分析其翻译时的思考和取舍过程。本文把《汉魏六朝诗》中体现出文化差异的内容分为三类,分别为专有名词、历史文化典故和有文化隐喻的意象。本文分别总结了许渊冲对这三类内容的处理方法,再结合巴斯内特的理论进行具体评析。本文还参考了另一位著名翻译家——汪榕培教授翻译的《汉魏六朝诗》,以作为分析时的参考。如果用巴斯内特的文化翻译理论来判断,我们似可通过分析得出以下结论:许渊冲在翻译汉魏六朝诗时对文化差异的处理基本灵活得体,能让目标读者读后有与原诗读者相同或相似的感受或联想,某些改译的地方也基本符合巴斯内特提出的"种子移植"理论,能够实现"文化功能对等"。但许译也存在某些不足:有些意译的地方会造成信息缺失或难以达到相似的效果,有些改译的地方改动幅度过大,丢失了诸多原诗的意象和意境,不能实现文化功能的等值,不无遗憾。
[Abstract]:With the increasing international status of China, the translation of Chinese culture has become a hot topic of the times. Mr. Xu Yuanchong, a famous translator and professor of Peking University, has made outstanding contributions to the export of Chinese traditional culture. Mr. Xu translated a large number of Chinese classical poems into English and French. In literary translation, especially in Chinese-English poetry translation, the treatment of cultural differences is a major difficulty and a key factor affecting the translation effect. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the treatment of cultural differences in Xu Yuanchong's English translation of Han, Wei and six dynasties Poems. This paper takes the cultural translation theory of the famous British translation theorist Susan Basnet Bassnettas the guiding theory to comment on the treatment of cultural differences in Xu Yuanchong's English translation of Han, Wei and six dynasties Poems. Among them, this paper mainly uses Basnet's theory of "seed transplantation" in poetry translation and the theory of "cultural functional equivalence" to evaluate translation effect. This paper also introduces Xu Yuanchong's literary translation theory and compares the two theories. Basnet's theory is used to analyze the translation examples, and Xu Yuanchong's theory can help to analyze the process of thinking and choosing in translation. This paper divides the contents of the Han Wei and six dynasties Poems into three categories, which are proper nouns, historical and cultural allusions and images with cultural metaphors. This paper summarizes the methods of Xu Yuanchong to deal with these three kinds of contents, and then analyzes the theory of Basnet. This paper also refers to another famous translator, Professor Wang Rongpei, who translated the Poems of the Han, Wei and the six dynasties as a reference for the analysis. If we use Basnet's cultural translation theory to judge, we can draw the following conclusion through analysis: Xu Yuanchong's handling of cultural differences is basically flexible and appropriate in translating Han, Wei and six dynasties poems. It can make the target readers have the same or similar feelings or associations with the readers of the original poem after reading, and some of the translated works are basically in line with the theory of "seed transplantation" put forward by Basnet, and can realize "cultural functional equivalence". However, there are some shortcomings in Xu's translation: some places of free translation will lead to the lack of information or achieve similar effects, and some of the places that have been modified will have too much scope to change, thus losing the image and artistic conception of many original poems, so that they cannot achieve the equivalence of cultural functions. Not without regret.


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