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发布时间:2018-06-06 18:09

  本文选题:周作人 + 布迪厄 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:From the eighties of last century, sociology began to be used in translation studies gradually, and the reference to the sociological theory of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu was the most prominent, such as the introduction of his "field" and "habit". The concept of "capital" explains the translator's translation practice, the production and acceptance of translated works, and so on. The present study will use this theory to explain how the formation of translator Zhou Zuoren's translation ideas is influenced by his field and his habits. Zhou Zuoren is a well-known translator as well as one of the most popular translators in Chinese literature. He has put forward some important translation ideas and theories. In the process of the formation of translation thought, the translator, as a social participant, will also be influenced by the society. Based on Bourdieu's field-inertia theory, this paper first describes the field of Zhou Zuoren, then introduces the habituation of Zhou Zuoren, and finally explains the reasons for the formation of his translation thought through the influence of field and habit. Although the domestic research on Zhou Zuoren translation is somewhat dabbling, it is only a general introduction of his translation practice and works, and few studies place him and his works in the social dimension. Therefore, the theoretical significance of this study lies in the use of sociological theory to analyze how translator Zhou Zuoren is influenced by society. At the same time, this study also helps to perfect the application of Bourdieu's theory in translation studies, especially in the translation studies of a translator.


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