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发布时间:2018-06-06 21:46

  本文选题:音乐图像研究 + 关联理论 ; 参考:《解放军外国语学院学报》2016年02期

[Abstract]:The translator should grasp the transition from reader to rewriter in the two stages of ostensive-inference in the process of relevance communication to ensure the best relevance and achieve the faithfulness of the target text and the purpose of cross-cultural communication. Taking Yunnan Bai Buddhist Music and Dance Pictures as a case study, the translator can give full play to the advantages of guest study in reading the original text and fully understand its connotation. Transliteration and other differential methods are used to express the cultural load in English translation, and dynamic equivalence strategy and image assisted translation are adopted to keep the accuracy and academic quality of the translation consistent with the original text.
【作者单位】: 云南大学外国语学院;福州第十一中学;
【基金】:云南大学首批“青年英才培育计划” 2015年度国家留学基金项目 2010年度国家社会科学基金项目“中国西南民族音乐图像文化保护与资源开发研究”(10BMZ031) 2013年度云南大学研究生优秀教材建设项目“英语跨文化交际:理论与体验” 2015年度云南省哲学社科艺术科学规划重点项目“云南民族音乐舞蹈图像文化艺术的资源保护、产业开发与国际交流研究”(A2015ZDZ001)




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