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发布时间:2018-06-07 09:35

  本文选题:英美文化 + 文化学习 ; 参考:《新闻爱好者》2017年09期

[Abstract]:At present, the spread of British and American culture has a lot of influence on English teaching in our country. On the one hand, it has changed the original teaching mode of colleges and universities, and the British and American culture has deepened the students' understanding of English knowledge from the aspects of knowledge background and so on. Spreading these British and American cultures can help students better understand the inner meaning of English culture, strengthen students' understanding and interpretation of the folk customs of the United States and the United States, and help students correct their English learning attitude and improve their communicative competence. Help students build confidence in learning. In the initial process of spreading British and American culture, we found that traditional teaching in colleges and universities often pays more attention to grammar and practical problem-solving ability, and teachers are teaching.
【作者单位】: 洛阳市财会中等专业学校;


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