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发布时间:2018-06-08 14:13

  本文选题:学科教学知识 + 职前中学英语教师 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The popularization of the basic education curriculum reform and the emphasis on the professional development of foreign language teachers put forward more requirements and challenges to the normal students' mastery of the subject teaching knowledge. Under the background of professionalization in the new era, the profession of teacher has gradually changed from a temporary worker who relies on teaching experience to a professional teacher. The subject teaching knowledge (PCK) is an important part of teachers' professional development, which is helpful for teachers to teach students with different levels of intelligence and knowledge structure. The full construction of subject knowledge is beneficial to the development of teachers' professional ability and teaching level. Generally speaking, the quality of English teaching depends on English teachers' professional accomplishment and teaching level. As a new force in teaching, pre-service English teachers have a long and profound meaning to the development of English education. However, the research on the development of pre-service teachers' subject teaching knowledge (PCK) is relatively scarce. Especially, as pre-service middle school English teachers, there is an urgent need to master and construct the subject teaching knowledge through the understanding and construction of the subject teaching knowledge. Due diligence becomes a qualified teacher to make full preparation, but at present they are not optimistic about the mastery and application of this knowledge, and can not fully understand the role of subject teaching knowledge in English teaching. At the same time, the ability of transforming theory knowledge into practical knowledge and applying it to practical teaching is also obviously lacking in the process of transforming and combining different teaching strategies. The purpose of this study is to find out the effective way to construct the subject teaching knowledge of English teachers in pre-service middle schools, to develop the characteristics and difficulties, and to put forward corresponding measures to solve the problems, and to put forward some relevant teaching suggestions for the training of English teachers. This paper focuses on the following three issues: first, what are the ways for pre-service middle school English teachers to construct their subject teaching knowledge? Which or which ones are most frequently used? Which one or several of them are used the least frequently? Second, with the development of time, what are the characteristics of the subject teaching knowledge of pre-service middle school English teachers? Third, which part of the subject teaching knowledge is more difficult for pre-service middle school English teachers? In this study, the subjects were selected by pre-test, a questionnaire and a test paper, and then the data were collected and analyzed with the help of three other questionnaires and multiple interviews. Through the investigation, it is found that classroom observation and teaching practice are common ways for pre-service English teachers to construct subject teaching knowledge, while online learning is the least frequently used, and at the same time, with the development of time, The subject teaching knowledge of pre-service English teachers has been generally improved, among which "students' knowledge" and "teaching strategy knowledge" have increased rapidly in the process of teaching practice at undergraduate and graduate level. However, due to the lack of perfect and systematic learning of curriculum theory and the lack of attention to curriculum knowledge, the development of curriculum knowledge is relatively slow. Finally, through questionnaires and interviews, it is found that "learning strategy knowledge" and "teaching situational knowledge", due to the complexity of classroom real situation and limited learning conditions, are difficult to construct for pre-service middle school English teachers.


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