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发布时间:2018-06-10 17:43

  本文选题:主语指向副词 + 施事指向副词 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:There are some problems in English subject-pointing adverbs in English-Chinese translation, such as mistranslation, saving translation, improper use of words, and so on. Most studies have focused on the influence of the syntactic position transformation of the subject pointing adverbs on the semantic meaning of the whole sentence, because they can also be used as the adverbs of the way. The transformation of syntactic position will result in the conversion between two kinds of adverbs, which will easily lead to ambiguity and ambiguity in semantic understanding. However, few studies have paid attention to the translation of such words. However, this paper argues that translation is a better way to understand the meaning of such words, and to understand the meaning thoroughly, so that the translation will be more flexible. In the same way, there are few researches on the subject pointing adverbs in Chinese, and some literatures think that the subject-pointing adverbs in Chinese are absent. Therefore, this paper believes that it is necessary to carry out research on this issue. Based on the corpus, this paper attempts to make a clear explanation of the rich semantic information contained in the subject-directed adverb by using the theory of event semantics, and summarizes the realization of the subject-directed adverb in Chinese translation. This paper probes into some laws in order to provide reference for English-Chinese translation, and also finds some achievements in Chinese-English translation. In this paper, the English subject-pointing adverb is used as the key word, and the sample sentence of the adverb as the mode adverb is first removed when selecting the corpus. This paper uses Ernst to classify English subject-pointing adverbs, that is, agents pointing to adverbs, mental attitude adverbs of state and mental attitude adverbs of intention. Each kind of adverbs has its own characteristics, supplemented by logical expressions in event semantics, which can clearly express the rich semantic information contained in the adverbs. By observing the corpus, we find that the realization forms of Chinese are as follows: word, clause and ellipsis, which reflect the two trends of English and Chinese translation, that is, the translation of words and clauses. The forms of the words include adverbs, verbs, adjectives, four-character phrases and colloquial expressions. However, some translations are reasonable in terms of context or stylistic style) the translation of the adjunct to adverbs is the most flexible, and there are more adjectives and verbs than the other two. The translation of state type mental attitude adverbs into clauses is problematic. 4) the expression of the translation is flexible. As long as it is the semantic directivity contained in the event, the form of the translation is not fixed. 5) the translation of the question can be changed. A good translation may be considered as a Chinese subject pointing to adverbs and expressions. Looking back at the Chinese-English translation, it is also found that the clause forms in Chinese source language can be directly translated into adverbs, and not all of them can be translated as adverbs. Some of them can only be translated into specific sentence patterns under the influence of sentence structure, subject consistency and context. Therefore, it is suggested that appropriate use of English subject pointing adverbs should be considered in Chinese-English translation.


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