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发布时间:2018-06-10 20:44

  本文选题:非英语专业大学生 + 英语学习 ; 参考:《成都理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The factors influencing college students' English learning are divided into two categories: intelligence factors and non-intelligence factors. Psychological research shows that non-intelligence factors play an important role in guiding, controlling and regulating English learning of college students. Among them, individual achievement motive and self-success attribution appear to be particularly important. Previous studies on English learning rarely involved the relationship between achievement motivation and attribution of success or failure, that is, effort, ability, situation and luck. Through the analysis of the achievement motivation and the success or failure self-attribution of non-English majors in English learning, the present situation of achievement motivation and success self-attribution of non-English majors is summarized. And try to find out the relationship between achievement motivation and success attribution. This research is mainly divided into two parts: theoretical review and empirical research. The theoretical review describes the concepts, classification, measurement methods and related studies at home and abroad of achievement motivation and attribution; the empirical study adopts two questionnaires: achievement motivation questionnaire and success or failure attribution questionnaire. The author tries to answer the following question: (1) what is the present situation of English learning achievement motivation of non-English majors? (2) how do non-English majors attribute their success and failure in English learning? What is the relationship between achievement motivation and its success or failure attribution? Based on a questionnaire survey and analysis of 242 non-English major students (from three different colleges) of Chengdu University of Technology, this study draws the following conclusion: 1) the overall achievement motivation level of non-English majors is higher than that of non-English majors. The motivation for success is far greater than that for avoiding failure. The differences of gender, discipline and years of study lead to some differences in achievement motivation, but the difference is not significant. 2) the overall attribution style of non-English majors tends to positive attribution. Gender, students with different major years and students with different years of study are similar to each other in their attribution style. (3) the four elements of success or failure attribution ("ability", "effort", The relationship between "situation" and "luck" and achievement motivation was as follows: the overall regression analysis showed that the factors of "effort" in the attribution of non-English majors were positively related to their achievement motivation, and "ability". Both situational factors and luck factors were negatively correlated with their achievement motivation, but the correlation was not significant. Subitem regression analysis showed that the attribution of students with different gender, subject and study years was correlated with their achievement motivation, but the correlation degree was different. Based on the conclusion of the present study, the author makes some suggestions to the students and teachers on how to strengthen the achievement motivation and guide the positive attribution of non-English majors' English learning.


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