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发布时间:2018-06-16 01:17

  本文选题:《无用的慰藉》 + 目的论 ; 参考:《西南科技大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是根据笔者翻译的科技文本《无用的慰藉》(Cold Comfort)而写成的翻译项目报告。该书作者是曾任联合国教科文组织国际社科委主席的古德曼·赫内斯。作品探讨了全球气候变化的历程、自然科学与社会科学的责任及相互关系,并就国际政府间气候变化专门委员会提交的有关气候变化、人类心态改变、生态科技、争议事件及其可能的解决方式的报告进行了分析。《无用的慰藉》目前在国内尚无中文译本,本翻译实践为我国读者提供了第一个中文版本。翻译实践报告介绍了该翻译项目的背景、意义和结构,文本及其作者,分析了源文本的语言及语体风格,并从译前准备、翻译过程、译后总结等方面进行了系统的梳理。翻译实践以目的功能论翻译理论为指导,通过文本案例,从词法、句法和语篇三个层面深入探讨了文本翻译的策略(直译与意译、分割与合并、增译与减译等),以实现翻译的目的原则、连贯原则和忠实原则。本文最后对翻译实践过程与结果做了评估,并总结概括了译者在翻译过程中的经验与不足,以期为以后的翻译实践与研究提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation project report based on the scientific and technical text translated by the author. The author of the book is Goodman Hernes, a former chairman of the Science and Technology Committee of the UNESCO International Society for Science and Technology. The work explores the course of global climate change, the responsibilities and interrelationships between natural and social sciences, and reports on climate change, changes in human psychology, ecological science and technology submitted by the International Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, The report on the dispute and its possible solution is analyzed. There is no Chinese translation of "useless comfort" at present in China. This translation practice provides the first Chinese version for Chinese readers. The translation practice report introduces the background, meaning and structure of the translation project, the text and its author, analyzes the language and stylistic style of the source text, and systematically combs the pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation summary. Guided by the Skopos translation theory, this paper discusses the strategies of text translation (literal and free translation, segmentation and merging) from three aspects: lexical, syntactic and textual. To achieve the Skopos principle, coherence principle and faithfulness principle of translation. In the end, the thesis evaluates the process and results of translation practice, and summarizes the experiences and shortcomings of translators in the process of translation, in order to provide a reference for future translation practice and research.




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