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发布时间:2018-06-16 06:06

  本文选题:概念隐喻 + 创新隐喻 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Greek mythology is the soil of Greek art and the source of European literature. Greek mythology is the creation of art and has social and historical values and aesthetic values. Ancient Greek mythology and legends came from Homer or heroic times. This era was from eleventh Century to eighth Century. Greek mythology included two parts: the stories of the gods and the legend of heroes. In the academic world, many experts believe that Homa has widely used myths and epics in the creation of two epics, illite and Odyssey. In addition, Homa's "Homa ode" has gathered a lot of mythology about God. The ancient Greek poet Hesiod wrote the divine book, which described the stories of the gods and the genealogy of the gods. People understand the origin of Greek mythology, the origin of God and the relationship between them provide useful resources. As a whole, Greek mythology has the characteristics of systematization, literature, humanization, openness and providing original ideological resources. In foreign countries, the study of Greek mythology has always been a hot spot for western scholars. In the field of the study of wax mythology, many university teachers combine Greek mythology with English teaching and study their application in English language, culture and literature. In recent years, domestic scholars have begun to use some new literary theories to study Greek mythology influenced by new western theories. After decades of development, Greek mythology has developed at home and abroad. The research results of the wax myth are becoming more mature. With the deepening of cooperation and communication between China and the western countries, the study of Greek mythology will be more diversified in the future. For example, this article will analyze Greek mythology from the perspective of metaphor. The word "metaphor" is from the Greek "metapherein", and "Metapherein" is "meta". "Meta" is a combination of "pherein". The meaning of "pherein" means "transmission", so the meaning of metaphor is the language expression of another thing with some characteristics of one thing. The traditional metaphor is a figure of speech, which can achieve the rhetorical effect by referring to another thing. To express a thing. It can identify the similarities between the two views. Metaphor can help people to be more vivid, more straightforward to understand things and to express their inner thoughts. Conceptual metaphor is a more perfect cognitive way of development on the basis of metaphor. Its research focuses on the theory of conceptual metaphor, the relationship between conceptual metaphor and culture, and the application of conceptual metaphor in other disciplines, including economy, politics, law, literature, myth and so on. In the long course of development, the western traditional metaphorical view has gradually formed a comparative view in the course of development. From the theory of Richard, from the theory of Richard, the study of metaphor has gradually developed to the cognitive field.Lakoff is a symbol of the study of metaphor from the cognitive perspective. He thinks that language is full of metaphorical and metaphorical expressions. He chooses a rich corpus of English language to study, and eventually finds many English expressions. In the field of metaphor research, more and more researchers have studied the connotation of metaphor in the field of metaphor research. It is found that the use of metaphor in language and cognition is closely related to human cognitive thinking. Conceptual metaphor is the human experience in one field to understand or explain the other. The cognitive mechanism of domain experience. People often use specific, familiar, simple, and tangible concepts to understand and experience abstract, unfamiliar, complex and intangible concepts,.1980 Johnson and Lakoff, "the metaphor we rely on for survival" creates a new way of metaphor research, conceptual metaphor has been formally incorporated into cognitive science. Conceptual metaphor theory is an important part of cognitive linguistics. It lays a solid foundation for the development of cognitive linguistics. The cognitive style of metaphorical, especially the narrative perspective of metaphor, can be used to explain the essence of metaphor. Therefore, metaphor is a cognitive interaction process. According to the semantic and pragmatic differences, metaphor can be divided into "conventional metaphor" and "unconventional metaphor". The main research object of the conceptual metaphor theory is conventional metaphor. Besides the conventional metaphor, metaphor has been developing and innovating. According to the different sources of metaphorical source domain, the same conceptual metaphor can be an animal metaphor, a plant metaphor. The main features of conceptual metaphor include systematic, universal and innovative. Metaphor is a basic cognitive way of human beings. It determines the expression of language. The purpose of this study is to cultivate the metaphorical ability of English learners and help English learners, Yang Chengying. The way of thinking is to improve the language ability of the learners fundamentally. Through the study of the Greek mythology reflecting the western culture, we can better understand, interpret and create metaphors. This article tries to collect a large number of conceptual metaphors in the different materials of Greek mythology and based on the theory of the conceptual metaphor of the creative conceptual metaphor. The Greek mythology is a kind of metaphorical thinking, which is a kind of metaphorical thinking that myth can not explain the phenomenon to realize the understanding of the world. It embodies a kind of thought of people at that time. There are many mythologies, among which Greek mythology has always been a hot spot for English learners to study, and Greek mythology reflects the history of ancient Greece, while reflecting the ancient Greek humanity. The Greek mythology shows well the Greeks' literary and artistic ideas and a series of simple ideas related to aesthetic ideas. Greek mythology affects the west, especially the European and American language and culture at its source. "Greek mythology and epic are the most perfect product of the development of human childhood, with a permanent charm." In the process of collecting information, the author found that the study of Greek mythology mainly focused on the human consciousness in Greek mythology, the comparison of the Greek mythology and the influence of Greek Mythology on the English language and literature. The analysis of Greek mythology from the perspective of metaphor is very rare. First, the author read all the contents of three Greek mythology, and finally selected useful data in order to better understand Greek mythology. Secondly, the author based on the conceptual metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson to find conceptual metaphors in Greek mythology. Finally, the author of this Some conceptual metaphors are classified, and each conceptual metaphor and the factors that lead to the application of these conceptual metaphors are analyzed in detail. The research methods include quantitative and qualitative analysis. The following three questions are mainly discussed in terms of the conceptual metaphor in Greek Mythology: (1) what is the relationship between Greek mythology and metaphor? (2) What are the conceptual metaphors in Greek mythology? (3) what are the factors that lead to the application of these conceptual metaphors? By analyzing the corpus of part of the Greek mythology, this paper mainly sums up the use of conceptual metaphor in Greek mythology from the two major aspects of the structure and content of Greek mythology, and finds that (1) the myth is actually A metaphorical thinking, the myth that the unexplained phenomenon can be imagined to realize the world, reflecting the thought of the people at that time. The Greek mythology is also a metaphorical thinking. The structure of the Greek mythology is metaphorical, and the Greek mythological prototype exists in the formula of metaphor. (2) the Greek mythology figures and allusions are large. The innovative metaphorical phenomenon of quantity: animal metaphor, plant metaphor, human name metaphor, technical metaphor, female metaphor and geographical name metaphor. (3) the historical, cultural and social reasons of the use of such conceptual metaphors are also analyzed, because few people study the conceptual metaphor in Greek mythology. This study not only helps English learners understand the West in depth. The language culture has an important influence on the Greek mythology and also helps them to improve the language application ability. This study focuses on the analysis of the Greek mythology from the perspective of conceptual metaphor. The study of the metaphor of Greek mythology has both theoretical and practical significance. First, it not only makes up for the lack of the previous study of the conceptual metaphor in Greek mythology. It can also provide reference for the conceptual metaphor study of other mythology. Secondly, the results of this study can help English learners to deepen the understanding of Greek mythology and the western culture behind it, thus helping to improve the understanding and application of the English language. Learning obscure theories in combination with examples can achieve twice the result of half the effort. At the same time, it can apply the expression of conceptual metaphor learned in Greek mythology to its own practice, and further popularize conceptual metaphor theory and Greek mythology. For example, other scholars, for example, are restricted by many factors. Few, in addition to the author's own lack of academic ability, the study of conceptual metaphor in Greek mythology is only a basic study, so there are many shortcomings. First, this paper is mainly a metaphorical analysis of the words in Greek mythology, which is not comprehensive enough and can be analyzed from the sentence level. Secondly, this study is only to Greece. The types of the conceptual metaphor in the mythology are analyzed, but the traditional conceptual metaphor types are not analyzed. In order to analyze the conceptual metaphor of Greek mythology, two suggestions are put forward by the author to the later scholars. First, the researchers can analyze the structural conceptual metaphor in Greek mythology, The conceptual metaphor of body shape, as well as the conceptual metaphor of azimuth, can make the research more comprehensive. Secondly, the researcher can also analyze it from the sentence level, that is, to choose some metaphorical sentences in Greek mythology as examples.


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