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发布时间:2018-06-16 15:26

  本文选题:规范理论 + 《长恨歌》英译本 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the further development of the strategy of Chinese culture going out, contemporary literature, as an important part of Chinese culture, is becoming more and more important. The topic of how to strengthen the study of foreign translation has received unprecedented attention in the field of translation studies. But this is by no means a day's work. The Chinese literary translation will make great progress by gradually drawing nutrition from the existing excellent translations and improving the translation in the future. Wang Anyi's novel "Eternal hatred" condenses the world landscape of a city into the life of an ordinary woman, Wang Qiyao, and is a classic in the writing of mainland Shanghai culture. The novel, published in 1995, won the Fifth Mao Dun Prize for Literature and has been translated into many languages. However, it has only one English translation, by the translator Bai Ruiwen and Chen Yuxian, and received a wide range of praise. The English translation of the novel faithfully presents the power and beauty in the world of Wang Anyi literature. At present, most of the researches on the Song of Eternal regret focus on its Chinese version. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the text selection, macro translation strategies and the specific translation process of the two translators with the guidance of Tourish normative theory. In the 1980's, Turi first put forward the theory of translation norms. On the basis of a large number of case studies, the translation norms are divided into initial norms, preliminary norms and operational norms through the study of the norms followed by the translator and the various factors affecting the translator's actual translation. Then the diversity of norms is proposed. On the basis of Touri's normative theory, some translation scholars such as Chesterman, Hermans, and Nord have further developed and perfected the normative theory. By comparison, the theoretical division of the map is clear and more suitable for analyzing the translation. From the perspective of translation norms in Tu, this paper discusses the factors contributing to the success of the translation of the Song of Eternal resentment from the aspects of the translator and the translation itself. In the aspect of translator, it will be explored from the perspective of preregulation why the translator Bai Ruiwen has chosen the Song of Eternal resentment among the numerous works of Wang Anyi. In the aspect of translation, the focus of the study is to analyze the two translators' text selection, macro translation strategies and translation skills in the process of translation from the three aspects of pre-specification, initial norm and operational norm. It is pointed out that not only the original text is deleted and supplemented, but also italics, dashes and short paragraphs are creatively used. The language style of translation is close to Chinese norms, and it also takes into account the reading habits of western readers, which better reflects the translator's different translation norms. It can be said that the translation study of the Song of Eternal resentment is not only a case study of a particular literary text, but also a useful reference and reflection on how to go abroad in the translation of contemporary Chinese literature.


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