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发布时间:2018-06-18 01:52

  本文选题:《万里无云》 + 目的论 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:Ten Thousand Miles without a Cloud(《万里无云》)是英籍华裔作家、电视制片人孙淑云著述的一本英文纪实性书籍。作者以宗教为主题,以玄奘西行路上的几处重要地理节点为叙述主线,用简练的语言、纪实的笔法叙述古今变化,向读者描绘了一幅波澜壮阔的人文历史画卷。本翻译实践报告以该书的翻译为案例,分析总结了纪实类书籍的翻译策略和方法。报告首先进行任务描述,主要包括材料来源、内容梗概和翻译目的。接着介绍译前准备、翻译流程和翻译难点。随后,依据弗米尔的“目的、连贯、忠实”三原则,对所选文本进行了翻译策略和翻译方法探讨。笔者采用“归化”、“异化”相结合的翻译策略,运用套译、意译、改译、直译、音译、借用等翻译方法以及增译、减译、被动变主动、长句拆译、词序调整、词类转换等翻译技巧,对翻译实践中遇到的重点和难点进行分析和解读。在此基础上,对此次翻译实践进行了回顾反思和经验总结。笔者通过此次翻译实践,了解了古丝路沿线的风土人情和人文历史,重新认识了玄奘的历史贡献,向该书作者学习了对外宣传中国文化的策略和技巧,同时认识到纪实类书籍属于介乎表情型和信息型之间的文本,应兼顾传递原文文体特点和内涵的双重目的。译者在翻译此类文本时,可在目的论指导下合理运用相关翻译策略和方法使译文尽可能语义准确并具有可读性,以实现纪实类书籍翻译的目的。
[Abstract]:Ten Thousand miles without a Cloud is an English documentary book written by Chinese-British writer and television producer Sun Shuyun. The author takes religion as the theme, takes several important geographical nodes on Xuanzang's westbound road as the main narrative thread, narrates the changes of ancient and modern times with concise language and documentary method, and depicts to the reader a magnificent picture of human history. The translation practice report takes the translation of the book as an example to analyze and summarize the translation strategies and methods of documentary books. The report begins with a description of the task, including the source of the material, the outline of the content, and the purpose of translation. Then it introduces the pre-translation preparation, translation process and translation difficulties. Then, according to Vermeer's three principles of Skopos, coherence and faithfulness, the translation strategies and translation methods of the selected texts are discussed. The author adopts the translation strategy of "domestication" and "alienation", applies translation methods such as set translation, free translation, modification, literal translation, transliteration, borrowing and so on, as well as increasing translation, subtracting translation, passively changing initiative, disassembling long sentences, adjusting word order, etc. This paper analyzes and interprets the key points and difficulties encountered in translation practice. On this basis, the translation practice is reviewed and summarized. Through this translation practice, the author has learned the local customs and human history along the ancient Silk Road, rediscovered Xuanzang's historical contributions, and learned from the author of the book the strategies and techniques of propagating Chinese culture abroad. At the same time, it is recognized that documentary books belong to the text between expression type and information type, and should take into account the dual purpose of transmitting the stylistic characteristics and connotation of the original text. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, the translator can make use of relevant translation strategies and methods to make the translation as accurate and readable as possible in order to achieve the purpose of translation of documentary books.


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