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发布时间:2018-06-18 23:36

  本文选题:英语教科书 + 国际理解教育 ; 参考:《西南大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the advent of globalization, countries actively promote the theory and practice of international understanding education, and carry out international understanding education in primary and secondary schools. According to the basic idea of the compulsory education English curriculum standard formulated by the Ministry of Education, students have a preliminary sense of international understanding through learning English. The general framework of "Chinese students' Core Literacy" is officially released. It is necessary to cultivate students' international understanding, global awareness and openness, focus on global challenges and understand the common destiny of mankind. The junior middle school English textbook is of both instrumental and humanistic nature. It is an important tool to cultivate students' humanistic literacy, thinking ability and cultural consciousness, and it is also helpful to enhance international understanding. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the content of international understanding education in junior middle school English textbooks. According to the relevant research results, this paper lists the relevant analytical framework of international understanding education, and divides international understanding education into three major themes: international topic, international culture, international connection, and the English textbook for junior middle school in 2013 edition. The main research methods are literature method and content analysis method. First of all, the overall analysis of the textbooks of the international understanding of the presentation of educational content and the principles of content selection; Then it analyzes the overall distribution of the three major themes and the distribution and presentation of each sub-theme, and analyzes the specific cases. It is concluded that the distribution of international understanding of educational content in textbooks and the analysis of its current influence factors, the main factors affecting the international understanding of educational content include political system factors, cultural factors, Stakeholder factors and discipline itself. Secondly, it analyzes the existing advantages and problems of international understanding of educational content. The existing advantages of the international understanding of the educational content in the English textbooks of junior high school include: first, the content is relatively rich, and the theme is widely distributed; second, the content is close to the life of the students and there are a variety of ways of presenting it; third, the content is close to the life of the students. International understanding of the content of education focuses on the comparison of different cultural backgrounds. Its shortcomings include: first, more attention in the selection of cultural commonalities, ignoring cultural differences; second, textbooks tend to be male-centered, showing a certain degree of gender discrimination; third, The textbook pays too much attention to the teaching of international understanding knowledge and the promotion of language skills, neglecting the cultivation of students' language use and communicative competence. Finally, in order to better permeate the international understanding education in the middle school English teaching, aiming at the deficiency of the international understanding education in the junior middle school English textbook, the author suggests that the curriculum standard and the textbook should be compiled. Teachers use three levels of improvement to bring inspiration to the compilation and use of English textbooks.


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