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发布时间:2018-06-19 04:09

  本文选题:话语分析三维模式 + 环境新闻语篇 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,环境问题日益严重,许多人认识到保护环境的重要性。许多研究人员试图利用语言的力量,通过研究语言与环境的关系来保护环境。生态语言学是生态学和语言学相结合而形成的一个学科,它通过分析语言的生态因素,进而揭示语言与环境的相互作用。目前,许多语言学家分析各种语篇,包括政治演讲语篇、新闻语篇、各种广告等,分析其中蕴含的非生态特征以及背后隐藏的意识形态,以此来提醒大家构建有利于生态和谐的语言系统和语法系统。但是很少有人从生态批评话语分析的角度研究环境新闻语篇中的利益指向性。本文从China daily和CNN选取环境新闻话语对其进行研究,以Fairclough的三维分析模型为框架,主要从三个层面进行分析:在描写层面,从词汇选择、及物性、被动语态以及突显对文本的语言特征进行分析;在阐释层面,主要从新闻来源和新闻话语的转述方式两个方面分析新闻样本的生成过程;在解释层面,通过制度语境和社会语境分析不同媒体在社会实践层面产生差异的原因。本研究包括三个问题:(1)新闻报道中使用了哪些语言策略?(2)新闻报道中的意识形态是如何被揭露的?(3)他们意欲保护何种利益?通过对所选的环境新闻样本的分析,本文的研究发现如下:第一,新闻报道者会使用很多语言策略进行报道,比如词汇选择,及物过程,被动语态以及突显等。第二,新闻报道者的意识形态总会以各种方式植入报道中。第三,新闻报道不是任意的,他们都代表着自己国家或所属政府的利益。本文的研究意义主要有以下三个方面:第一,更加丰富了环境新闻语篇的研究方法。第二,读者在阅读新闻语篇时要培养批判的阅读意识。第三,新闻媒体在报道时都具有利益指向性,他们都倾向于自己国家的利益,所以我们要提高自己国家新闻媒体的影响力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious. Many people realize the importance of protecting the environment. Many researchers try to use the power of language to protect the environment by studying the relationship between language and environment. Ecolinguistics is a discipline formed by the combination of ecology and linguistics. It reveals the interaction between language and environment by analyzing the ecological factors of language. At present, many linguists analyze various discourses, including political speeches, news discourses, advertisements and so on, and analyze the non-ecological features contained therein and the hidden ideology behind them. In order to remind everyone to build a harmonious ecological language system and grammar system. However, few people study the interest orientation in environmental news discourse from the perspective of ecological critical discourse analysis. This paper selects environmental news discourse from China daily and CNN to study it, taking Fairclough's three-dimensional analysis model as the framework, mainly analyzes from three aspects: descriptive level, lexical choice, and transitivity. Passive voice and highlight of the text language characteristics analysis; in the interpretation level, mainly from the news sources and news discourse reporting two aspects of news sample generation process; in the interpretation level, Through the institutional context and social context analysis of different media in the social practice level of the reasons for differences. This study includes three questions: (1) what language strategies are used in news reporting? (2) how are the ideologies in news reports exposed? (3) what interests do they intend to protect? Based on the analysis of the selected environmental news samples, the results are as follows: first, news reporters use many language strategies to report, such as lexical selection, transitivity process, passive voice and salience, and so on. Second, the ideology of the newsman is always embedded in the story in a variety of ways. Third, news reports are not arbitrary, they represent the interests of their own country or government. The significance of this study is as follows: first, it enriches the research methods of environmental news discourse. Second, readers should cultivate critical reading consciousness when reading news texts. Third, the news media have interest orientation when reporting, they all tend to their own national interests, so we should improve the influence of our national news media.


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