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发布时间:2018-06-19 05:15

  本文选题:显化假设 + 话语标记语 ; 参考:《西南大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:翻译的显化假设近年来引起了翻译界的广泛关注。“显化假设”认为在翻译过程中存在普遍的显化现象,即在译文中将原语中只能够推导出的信息明确化,从而提高其明确程度,使译文更贴近译语及文化传统,提高可接受性。有些学者提出,与同一语言中的原创性文本相比,译文中解释性的词语和话语标记语所占比例要更大,在句法结构上也有更多的重复和显性标记。本文围绕以下三个问题展开:1)电影对白翻译中的话语标记被显化了吗?2)在电影对白翻译中的话语标记的运用比同一语言的原创文本和同一语言的其他翻译文本中的话语标记语的使用更加频繁吗?3)如何解释话语标记语的显化差异呢?本文的基本假设是,对于翻译的理解效率要求越高的文本,话语标记语的显化程度更高。Fraser(2005)将话语标记语分为四类:转折性话语标记语(contrastive discourse markers)、阐释性话语标记语(elaborative discourse markers)、推导性话语标记语(inferential discourse markers)和时间性话语标记语(temporal discourse markers)。我们对基于三个百万词规模的语料库电影字幕英汉翻译平行语料库”(MSECPC)、“兰卡斯特汉语语料库”(LCMC)和在“浙江大学汉语译文语料库”(ZCTC)中共84个话语标记语在进行了对比研究,发现电影翻译语料库中话语标记语存在以下主要特征:第一,话语标记语在电影字幕翻译中的使用比在原文中更加频繁(LL=15,362.963.85,p0.001);第二,与“兰卡斯特汉语语料库”和“浙江大学汉语译文语料库”分别进行对比之后,得出电影字幕中的话语标记语比同一语言非翻译文本(LL=419.423.85,P0.001)和同一语言翻译文本总体(LL=11.593.85,p0.001)中的要更加显化。实证研究表明,在同一语言的译文文本中,电影字幕的翻译文本中话语标记语的显化程度要高于其他译文文本。从关联理论翻译研究的角度,在字幕翻译中更加显化话语标记语,是为了限制观众的理解,避免误解,以最小的认知努力得到最佳关联,帮助译文读者在有限的时间和内容里准确理解字幕;从元语用意识的角度,显化话语标记语还将说话者对命题意义的强调或突出、确认和态度,增加话语实据性和转换话题等元语用意识传达给了观众,达到更好的理解效果。本文的研究结果也能够为译者们在翻译电影字幕时,对话语标记语的处理提供建议,提高翻译质量。
[Abstract]:The explicit hypothesis of translation has attracted wide attention in recent years. The "explicit hypothesis" holds that there is a general phenomenon of explicit translation, that is, the information which can only be derived from the source language is made explicit in the translation, so as to improve its clarity, to make the translation more close to the target language and cultural tradition, and to enhance the acceptability. Some scholars have proposed that, compared with original texts in the same language, the proportion of explanatory words and discourse markers in the translation is larger, and there are more repetitive and explicit markers in the syntactic structure. This thesis focuses on the following three questions: (1) is the discourse marker in film dialogue translation explicit?) the use of discourse markers in film dialogue translation is greater than in the original text of the same language and other translated texts in the same language How do we explain the explicit differences in discourse markers? The basic assumption of this thesis is that the more efficient the translation, the more efficient the text is. There are four categories of discourse markers: contractionary discourse markers, interpretative discourse markers, inferential discourse markers and temporal discourse markers. We make a comparative study of a total of 84 discourse markers based on the three million-word scale Chinese subtitles parallel corpora of film subtitles in English and Chinese translation "/ MSECPC"," Lancaster Chinese Corpus "/" LCMC") and the "Zhejiang University Chinese Translation Corpus" / "ZCTC"). It is found that the main features of discourse markers in the film translation corpus are as follows: first, the use of discourse markers in film subtitle translation is more frequent than in the original text; second, the use of discourse markers in film subtitle translation is more frequent than in the original text. After comparing with Lancaster Chinese Corpus and Zhejiang University Chinese Translation Corpus, It is concluded that the discourse markers in the film subtitles are more explicit than those in the non-translated text of the same language (419.423.85 / P0.001) and in the translated text of the same language as a whole (11.593.85 / p0.001). The empirical study shows that in the translation of the same language, the discourse markers in the film subtitles are more explicit than those in the other versions. From the perspective of relevance theory translation, the purpose of making discourse markers more explicit in subtitle translation is to limit the audience's understanding, avoid misunderstanding and achieve the best relevance with minimal cognitive effort. From the perspective of meta-pragmatic awareness, explicit discourse markers also emphasize or highlight, confirm and attitude the propositional meaning of the speaker, and help the target readers to understand the subtitles accurately in the limited time and content, and from the perspective of meta-pragmatic consciousness, the explicit discourse markers also emphasize or highlight the propositional meaning of the speaker. The meta-pragmatic consciousness, such as increasing the substantiality of discourse and changing topics, is conveyed to the audience to achieve a better understanding effect. The results of this study can also provide suggestions for translators to deal with discourse markers and improve translation quality when translating film subtitles.


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