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发布时间:2018-06-20 00:38

  本文选题:企业信用报告 + 关联翻译法 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This practice report is based on the author's practical translation experience in Xi'an Jianghong Translation Co., Ltd. From May to September 2016, the author completed the translation of 260 corporate credit reports into Chinese and English. Based on the translation practice from May to July, the author summarizes the text features of the corporate credit report and the six major translation difficulties of the enterprise credit report. Under the guidance of Newmark's theory of relevance translation, six effective translation methods are selected according to the corresponding translation difficulties. From August to September, the author applies these six translation methods to C-E translation of corporate credit reports. The results show that the difficulties in translation of the same kind of translation have been solved to a large extent, and the translation quality has been improved significantly. Chinese-English translation of corporate credit reports is difficult in terms of vocabulary and text. The difficulties in lexical level include the extensive use of vague qualifiers, general Chinese acronyms and financial vocabulary. The corresponding solutions are component analysis, incremental translation and interpretation. The difficulties at the text level include: indistinct logic in sentences, redundant sentence elements and indistinguishable elements. The corresponding solutions are: adjusting translation method, subtracting translation method and functional equivalence. The purpose of this practical report is to provide MTI translation training project with relevant materials for enterprise credit reports, so that MTI students can form a preliminary understanding of corporate credit reports and provide materials for pre-service training of junior interpreters in related fields.


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