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发布时间:2018-06-20 02:37

  本文选题:学术词汇 + 学术词表 ; 参考:《现代外语》2017年03期

[Abstract]:This paper reviews the recent 45 years of academic vocabulary research both at home and abroad. This paper clarifies the concepts of common core vocabulary, general academic vocabulary and professional academic vocabulary, and reviews the theoretical discussion of academic vocabulary from three perspectives: corpus linguistics, systemic functional linguistics and second language acquisition. At the same time, this paper combs the empirical research from these three perspectives, including the verification of AWL academic lexicon, the creation of specific subject lexicon, the functional analysis of academic vocabulary, and the development of second language academic vocabulary. Finally, based on the reflection of the limitations of the research, the paper puts forward the enlightenment of the future academic vocabulary research and teaching.
【作者单位】: 曲阜师范大学;


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