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发布时间:2018-06-20 04:04

  本文选题:隐喻 + 关联理论 ; 参考:《山东科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Metaphor is not only a traditional rhetorical device, but also a very important part of cognitive linguistics. The study of metaphor has a long history, and many scholars interpret metaphor from various angles. Although there are a lot of theories about metaphor, the research on the mechanism of metaphor understanding is still incomplete. To some extent, all these theories point out the essence of metaphorical understanding, but all have limitations. Until Spaubert and Wilson put forward relevance theory, and put metaphor understanding under the framework of cognitive pragmatics, people realized that metaphor understanding is not only a pragmatic means, but also a cognitive behavior. In 1986, Spob and Wilson first put forward relevance theory, trying to study human communication from the field of human cognition. Relevance theory is widely used in literature, translation, applied linguistics and discourse analysis. Considering the study of metaphor at home and abroad, it is not difficult to find that many scholars are devoted to the study of metaphor in daily life from various aspects. Some scholars have begun to study metaphor in literary works, but most of them have only studied it from a single aspect. Almost no one has made a thorough and comprehensive study of metaphor in literary works with relevance theory. This paper is a tentative study, using relevance theory to analyze metaphors in gone with the Wind. By analyzing the metaphors in this classic novel, the author wants to prove that relevance theory is a powerful tool for the study of metaphor in literary works. The author hopes to expand the research contents and methods of the classic novel by studying the metaphor in gone with the Wind from the perspective of cognitive pragmatics. In addition, using relevance theory as the theoretical basis to study metaphor can provide a new research method for this novel and even other literary works. This thesis consists of five chapters, the first three chapters are a review of metaphor and relevance theory. The first chapter introduces the background, purpose, significance and research methods of this study. The second chapter is a literature review of metaphor research, including the definition, development and classification of metaphor. The third chapter is the theoretical framework of this thesis, including the main concepts of relevance theory, cognitive context related knowledge, as well as the interpretation of metaphor from the perspective of relevance theory. The fourth chapter is the key chapter of this paper, through selecting appropriate examples from the novel, using relevance theory to analyze and understand the metaphor of women in gone with the Wind, and to make a reasonable interpretation of the effect of context. Finally, in chapter 5, the author summarizes the limitations of the study and provides suggestions for further studies. The study of women's metaphors in gone with the Wind can enrich the study of the novel and make readers have a better grasp of the language style and creative psychology of the novel. It is a good attempt to study metaphor in this classic book with relevance theory. These analyses of women's metaphors can help readers better understand the content of the novel and pay attention to the social status and cultural differences of women. The author hopes that this study can provide a new perspective for the understanding of metaphor and attract more attention to metaphor research in literary works.


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