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发布时间:2018-06-20 20:08

  本文选题:词块理论 + 英语写作 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:根据第二语言习得研究,以英语为母语的人一般都掌握数以千计的词汇短语并熟练地使用它们。从某种意义上说,以英语为母语的人的言语交际是以词汇短语为基础的。然而,二语或外语学习者则以句法为基础。第二语言学习者学习和使用第二语言时,通常都比较重视语法规则,倾向于根据语法规则生成句子,忽视词汇短语及其在交际中的作用。由于掌握的词汇短语远没有本族语者多,不得不更加依赖语法规则造句,往往出现语用错误、词不达意、不流畅、不地道的问题。大部分初中学生不会或害怕书面表达。一些基础薄弱的学生在写作时都感到无从下手,积极性不强。而一些水平较好的学生总认为自己的文章写得有点“隔靴挠痒”,不知道如何来提高自身的写作水平。针对这种状况,本文以Michael Lewis的词块理论为基础,尝试将词块理论应用到初三英语写作教学中,充分发掘词块的潜能,建立以词块教学为纽带的词块教学法的新路子,探索词块教学法能否有效地提高初三学生的英语写作能力。研究发现:(1)词块教学法能有效地提高初三学生的作文成绩(2)词块教学法能较好的提高初三学生使用词块的水平(3)词块教学法能提高初三学生自主学习词块的能力研究显示,词块教学法能对初三学生的英语写作产生积极影响并提高他们的写作成绩。
[Abstract]:According to second language acquisition studies, native English speakers generally master thousands of lexical phrases and use them skillfully. In a sense, the verbal communication of native English speakers is based on lexical phrases. However, second or foreign language learners are syntactic based. When second language learners learn and use a second language, they usually pay more attention to grammar rules and tend to generate sentences according to grammar rules, ignoring lexical phrases and their role in communication. Since there are not as many lexical phrases as native speakers, they have to rely more on grammatical rules to construct sentences, which often lead to pragmatic errors, poor meaning, unfluency and idiosyncrasies. Most junior high school students do not or fear written expression. Some weak students feel powerless and less motivated to write. Some of the better students always think their writing is a bit ticklish and don't know how to improve their writing. In view of this situation, based on Michael Lewis' lexical chunks theory, this paper attempts to apply lexical chunks theory to the teaching of English writing in the third grade in order to fully explore the potential of lexical chunks and to establish a new approach to lexical chunks teaching with lexical chunks as a link. To explore whether lexical chunk teaching can effectively improve the students' English writing ability. The study found that the lexical chunks teaching method can effectively improve the composition scores of the third grade students. (2) the lexical chunks teaching method can improve the level of using the lexical chunks in the third grade students. The study shows that the lexical chunks teaching method can improve the ability of the third grade students to learn the lexical chunks on their own initiative. Lexical chunks teaching method can positively influence the English writing of the third grade students and improve their writing achievement.


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1 贾保方;;词块理论在高中英语词汇教学中的应用[J];疯狂英语(教师版);2012年02期

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3 张福;;词块理论视角下的中学英语写作教学探析[J];中学教学参考;2011年27期

4 贾菲;;大学英语写作中词块运用研究[J];安徽文学(下半月);2011年03期

5 伊慧;;渗透词块意识 提高英语写作能力——浅谈词块在高中英语写作中的作用[J];学理论;2010年29期

6 张淑静;;预制语块与中学英语写作[J];新乡学院学报(社会科学版);2010年05期

7 闫从军;;词块理论在英语写作教学中的运用[J];教学与管理;2010年27期

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9 章霞;;渗透词块教学 提高英语写作能力[J];现代中小学教育;2010年08期

10 于秀莲;;语块教学法与提高英语应用能力的实验研究[J];外语界;2008年03期

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1 钟萍;语块理论的应用研究[D];上海师范大学;2010年

2 邵华;词汇组块法在中学英语教学中的应用[D];山东师范大学;2006年

3 袁静;预制语块在高中英语教学中的应用研究[D];华中师范大学;2006年

4 范凤兰;词块在大学英语写作中的作用研究及其教学启示[D];山东大学;2005年




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