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发布时间:2018-06-20 21:00

  本文选题:学术词汇 + 自主学习 ; 参考:《华东理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of the information age and the deepening of college English teaching reform, college English teaching has gradually changed from general English to academic English, and academic English courses have been popularized in research-oriented colleges and universities. This study designed the autonomous learning activities of academic English vocabulary based on the social network platform under the framework of academic English curriculum, and observed the changes of academic vocabulary autonomous learning behavior and its restrictive factors under different external environment. To provide a reference for the development of college English autonomous learning activities. This study adopts the combination of classroom EAP teaching and classroom social platform autonomous learning, using quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, based on the background statistical data of WeChat public number, students' self-reflection, vocabulary test results, interview records. In this paper, three kinds of SRL (autonomous learning) activities are analyzed as follows: fully autonomous and conscious word learning activities without test pressure, conscious word learning activities driven by examinations, and semi-autonomous incidental word learning activities during winter vacation. The results show that college students can basically participate in the autonomous learning activities of academic English vocabulary based on WeChat platform and have a certain sense of autonomous learning. Compared with the three SRL experiments, students' participation in autonomous learning was significantly higher than that of incidental learning activities in the absence of specific requirements and holidays in the context of clear learning goals and school environments. Students' autonomous learning behavior of academic vocabulary is characterized by low level of productive vocabulary, active procrastination and limited working day autonomous learning. The results of self-reflection and interviews show that most of the students think that academic vocabulary is very important for future learning and express their willingness to learn academic vocabulary and agree with the new teaching model. However, examination factors and learning plan arrangement are still two important factors affecting their autonomous learning activities. This paper analyzes the students' learning behavior through three experiments, and gives suggestions and references to the teachers and students in EAP teaching environment. This research has the important enlightenment significance to the design traditional teaching and the social network platform teaching pattern.


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