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发布时间:2018-06-24 02:44

  本文选题:轭制构式 + 惯性压制 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:轭式搭配是一种独特的语言现象,其经济简洁、诙谐幽默、形象生动的表达特点引起了国内外学者的极大关注。许多语言学家尝试着从不同的理论视角对轭式搭配进行阐释,如,修辞学,语用学,句法学,语义学,认知语言学等。在认知语言学视角的研究中,构式语法将轭式搭配作为轭制构式来研究,并用惯性压制对其从句法、语义和语用方面进行分析。前人对轭式搭配的研究多局限于理论阐释,实证方面的研究寥寥无几。本研究在构式研究的理论基础上,采用眼动追踪技术,对中国高级EFL学习者轭制构式加工中惯性压制的心理现实性进行探讨。本研究包括两个实验,均为被试内实验设计。实验一采用边界范式,以轭式搭配中的异常词为目标词,通过操纵四种预视词与目标词的关系(同等、合理压制、合理非压制与不合理非压制),探讨轭制构式句中目标词处预视效应获得情况。实验二与实验一相似,不同之处在于目标词能与动词正常搭配,其目的是探讨非构式句中目标词处预视效应获得情况。实验选取35名四川外国语大学英语专业研究生为被试,使用Eye Link 1000型眼动仪记录被试阅读时的眼动轨迹。实验要求被试对所看到的句子进行语义判断,并对随后呈现的问题做按键反应。实验中所产生的眼动数据被输入到SPSS16.0软件,并对关键词的相关眼动指标,如首次注视时间(IA first fixation duration),凝视时间(IA first run dwell time)和总注视时间(IA dwell time)等做统计学分析。研究结果如下:(1)实验一:通过分析首次注视时间、凝视时间、总注视时间三种眼动指标发现,同等词预视效应非常显著[t(32)=-5.199,p.001;t(32)=-6.942,p.001;t(32)=-7.128,p.001],具体表现为关键词加工时间在同等词预视条件下最短。合理压制条件下三种指标显示关键词加工时长第二短。然而,该预视条件下的首次注释时间及凝视时间预视效应均不显著[t(32)=-1.746,p=.090.05,t(32)=-.847,p=.403.05],但总注视时间表现出了明显的预视效应[t(32)=-2.183,p=.037.05]。合理非压制条件下的眼动指标显示关键词加工时间比合理压制条件下的更长,预视效应在首次注释时间和凝视时间上均不显著[t(32)=-1.243,p=.223.05,t(32)=-.603,p=.551.05],但总注视时间的预视效应达到边缘显著差异[t(32)=-1.922,p=.064.05]。以上结果表明,合理预视对关键词的早期加工并没有产生促进作用,但对其晚期加工起了明显的促进作用。(2)实验二:与实验一相同,三种眼动指标均表现出了显著的同等词预视效应[t(32)=-6.476,p.001;t(32)=-8.279,p.001;t(32)=-7.733,p.001],具体表现为关键词加工时间在同等词预视条件下最短。与实验一不同的是,关键词加工时间第二短的情况出现在合理非压制预视条件下,此外,该条件下的首次注视时间、凝视时间均有显著预视效应[t(32)=-3.546,p=.001.05,t(32)=-4.833,p.001],总注视时间预视效应达到显著差异[t(32)=-3.509,p=.001]。合理压制预视条件下的眼动指标显示关键词加工时间比合理非压制的更长,首次注视时间预视效应不显著[t(32)=-1.547,p=.132.05],但是凝视时间具有显著预视效应[t(32)=-2.974,p=.006.05],总注视时间的预视效应非常显著[t(32)=-4.332,p.001]。以上结果表明,合理预视促进了关键词的整个加工过程。综合三种眼动指标,四种预视条件下关键词的加工时长在两个实验中排序有所不同,实验一中关键词加工时间依次为:同等词条件,合理压制条件,合理非压制条件,不合理非压制条件;实验二中依次为:同等词条件,合理非压制条件,合理压制条件,不合理非压制条件。导致这一差异的主要原因可能是实验材料的句子类型,实验一是轭制构式句,句中的非正常搭配在正常搭配的惯性压制作用下,变成可接受搭配;而实验二是非轭制构式句,句中的所有搭配均为正常搭配。换言之,轭制构式影响了关键词的加工,具体来说,轭制构式加工中的惯性压制影响了预视效应的加工。因此,我们可以得出如下结论:惯性压制影响了预视效应的心理加工过程,在中国EFL学习者加工轭制构式句中具有心理现实性。
[Abstract]:Yoke collocation is a unique linguistic phenomenon. Its economic simplicity, humour and vivid expression have attracted great attention from scholars at home and abroad. Many linguists try to interpret the yoke from different theoretical perspectives, such as rhetoric, pragmatics, syntax, semantics, cognitive linguistics and so on. In the study of perspective, structural grammar studies yoke collocation as a yoke, and analyzes its syntax, semantics and pragmatics with inertial coercion. Previous studies on yoke collocation are limited to theoretical interpretation, and few empirical studies have been made. The psychological reality of the inertial coercion in the yoke processing of Chinese advanced EFL learners was discussed. The study included two experiments, all of which were designed in the experiment. The experiment one uses the boundary paradigm, the abnormal words in the yoke collocation as the target words, and the relationship between the four preview words and the target words (equal, rational suppression and reasonable non pressure). To explore the preview effect of the target words in the yoke structure sentence, the experiment two is similar to the experiment one, and the difference lies in the normal collocation of the target words with the verbs. The purpose is to explore the preview effect of the target words in the unstructured sentences. The experiment selected 35 graduate students of Sichuan foreign language university as a graduate student. The subjects, using the Eye Link 1000 eye movement instrument, recorded the eye movement track when the subjects were read. The experiment required the subjects to make a semantic judgment on the sentences they had seen and respond to the subsequent problems. The eye movement data produced in the experiment were input to the SPSS16.0 software and the related eye movements of the key words, such as the first time of fixation (IA f). IRST fixation duration), stare time (IA first run dwell time) and total fixation time (IA dwell time) and other statistical analysis. The results are as follows: (1) experiment 1: through the analysis of the first fixation time, gaze time, and total fixation time, three kinds of eye movements are found, and the preview effect of the same word is very significant (32) .001; t (32) =-7.128, p.001], specific expression of the word processing time under the same preview condition is the shortest. Under the reasonable suppressing conditions, the three indexes show that the processing time is second short. However, the initial annotation time and the gaze time preview effect under the preview condition are not significantly [t (32) =-1.746, p=.090.05, t (32) =-.847, p=.403.05], But the total fixation time showed an obvious preview effect [t (32) =-2.183. The eye movement index of p=.037.05]. under reasonable non suppressing conditions showed that the processing time was longer than that under the reasonable suppressing condition. The preview effect was not significantly [t (32) =-1.243, p=.223.05, t (32) =-.603, p=.551.05], but the total gaze was observed at the first annotation time and gaze time. The preview effect of time reached a significant difference of [t (32) =-1.922, and the results above p=.064.05]. showed that reasonable preview did not promote the early processing of the key words, but played a significant role in promoting the advanced processing. (2) experiment two: the same as the experiment one, the three kinds of eye movements showed significant preview effect. [t (32) =-6.476, p.001; t (32) =-8.279, p.001; t (32) =-7.733, p.001], which are specifically shown as the shortest processing time under the same preview condition. Unlike the experiment one, the key word processing time is second short under the reasonable non suppressed preview strip, in addition, the first gaze time under this condition is obvious. The preview effect [t (32) =-3.546, p=.001.05, t (32) =-4.833, p.001], the preview effect of total fixation time reached significant difference [t (32) =-3.509. The eye movement index of p=.001]. reasonable suppressing preview showed that the processing time of key words was longer than that of reasonable non suppression, and the initial gaze time preview effect was not significant [t (32) =-1.547, p=.132.05], but gaze. Time has a significant preview effect [t (32) =-2.974, p=.006.05], the preview effect of total fixation time is very significant [t (32) =-4.332, and the results of p.001]. above indicate that reasonable preview promotes the whole processing of the key words. Three kinds of eye movement indexes are integrated, and the processing time of key words in four preview conditions is different in the two experiments. The processing time of key words in the first one is as follows: the same word condition, reasonable suppressing condition, reasonable non suppression condition, unreasonable non suppression condition, the second of the experiment are the same word condition, reasonable non suppression condition, reasonable suppressing condition, unreasonable non suppression condition. The main reason for this difference may be the sentence type of experimental material. The one is the yoke structure sentence, the abnormal collocation in the sentence becomes an acceptable collocation under the normal collocation of the inertial coercion; and experiment two is a non yoke sentence, and all the collocations in the sentence are normal collocations. In other words, the yoke structure affects the processing of the key words. In other words, the inertial coercion in the yoke processing affects the preview. Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion: the inertial coercion affects the psychological process of the preview effect, and has the psychological reality in the processing of the yoke sentence in Chinese EFL learners.


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