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发布时间:2018-06-24 06:45

  本文选题:环境新闻文本 + 中国雾霾天气 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, the environmental problems in the world are becoming more and more acute and highly concerned by the domestic people and the western media. The environmental news has developed rapidly and gradually becomes an independent news type. The research of the environmental news in China's mainstream media is late, and the new environmental news in the West has been developed into a specialized knowledge. The school of journalism in many colleges and universities has even opened the news and writing courses that specializes in environmental news, disaster news and the direction of environmental news translation. The reports and studies of environmental news are quite mature. Therefore, the translation of news reports on the Chinese environment by foreign media, on the one hand, can learn from the mainstream media news reports in the West. Characteristics, patterns and writing techniques, on the other hand, can also understand the perspective and view of Western media on China's environmental problems, and have high practical value. This project takes the 22 reports on the haze weather in China on the daily mail and BBC website as an example. This paper analyzes the selected text from three aspects of vocabulary, syntax and discourse, and summarizes the characteristics of environmental news. On this basis, the report, guided by the reader's acceptance theory, discusses the translation strategies and principles of the environmental news text, and summarizes and expounds the discovery and deficiency in the process of translation. This research report is divided into five parts: the first part: the project description. It introduces the background of the translation project, the source of the selected text, the number of words, the content, and the significance of the research. The second part: the preparation, the process of translation and the proofreading of the translation. The third part: text analysis. This part analyzes the text of the translation project from three aspects of vocabulary, syntax and discourse, and finds that this kind of text is multi numeric, multi term, multi term, multi noun, multi noun and abbreviation in the use of words; on the sentence pattern, many loose sentences, long sentences, passive sentences, and more direct quotations and indirect quotations; and in discourse, mostly use gold. The structure of the word tower and a variety of cohesive devices are widely used to enhance the coherence of the text. The fourth part: case analysis. On the basis of the analysis of the original text, this part mainly uses the basic principles of readers' acceptance theory to sum up and describe the translation strategies and parties used in the process of translation from the three aspects of vocabulary, syntax and discourse. At the lexical level, the idiomatic Chinese words or names can be translated at the time of translation. If not, it is necessary to use transliteration or free translation according to the context. If necessary, it is necessary to add information to make the translation more consistent with the Chinese expression habits and to be accepted by the target language readers. At the syntactic level, the translator is translated. In a loose sentence, first of all, we should fully understand the characteristics of Chinese and English, and then divide the sentence into a number of meaning groups on the basis of reading the original sentence, and finally reorganize the language according to the expression habit of Chinese. When translating passive sentences, the translator often translates passive sentences into the initiative, translates the passive sentence of English into the active sentence of the Chinese, or translates it into an unmarked passive sentence, for example, the passive meaning is expressed with the structure of ".." or the omission of the performer in English to the subject of a sentence. The translation of direct and indirect quotes must be combined with specific contexts. If the original words of an authoritative organization and personage are quoted, the literal translation method can be used to ensure that the target language is true and objective; if the informal language is quoted, the free translation can make the translation show the vivid image of the original text to the maximum extent. On the other hand, for the inverted Pyramid structure, the translator usually copies the original order in translation so that the news can attract the reader's attention in the first time. In dealing with the means of cohesion, in order to make the translation of the text fluent, smooth and semantic, the translator repeats, supplements or cuts in the appropriate place. In addition, the text of the translation project is in the text. It often contains pictures, picture instructions, etc., in order not to cause ambiguity or understanding of the deviation, so that readers can read more smoothly, retain the information in translation, and add additional information in the appropriate place. The fifth part: conclusion, points out the shortcomings of the translation project, and puts forward suggestions for future research and practice.


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