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发布时间:2018-06-25 01:15

  本文选题:高三学生 + 英语学习动机 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,国际间的交流与合作日益增多,英语成为21世纪对人才的基本要求之一,它不但成为了学生们与外国人交流和沟通的工具,更成为学生们日常学习和生活中不可缺少的一项基本技能。新课程改革提出英语教学要以学生为主体,教师为主导,在整个教学过程中,学生既是发起者也是参与者,同时又是收获者,对于学生来说,有诸多因素影响其英语语言的学习,如智力、性别、兴趣、动机、策略、成绩等。大量研究结果表明,外语学习者的学习动机和态度直接影响着他们的学习成绩,强烈的动机,积极的态度对于激发兴趣,提高学生英语学习成绩有着相当重要的作用。根据归因理论,正确的归因对学习动机的激发具有积极的影响作用,对形成良好的学习态度也有积极的作用。本研究在分析国内外文献的基础上,对英语学习动机进行了概述,借鉴高一虹等人设计的调查问卷对北重五中高三学生文化性动机,工具性动机,情境性动机及归因4个方面进行了调查,以探索动机的类型及个人因素对英语学习产生的影响,尝试回答以下三个问题:(1)高三学生的英语学习动机呈现出怎样的特点?(2)不同层次的学生在英语学习动机上呈现出怎样的差异?(3)不同层次的学生在归因方式上呈现出怎样的差异?通过SPSS 20.0和EXCEL 2016软件对问卷调查的原始数据结果进行平均数和标准差的统计,发现:(1)高三学生的英语学习动机主要是工具性动机,他们最看重的是考试成绩,其次是个人发展。在动机的七个因子中,文化性动机中的内在兴趣排在最后,表明高三学生缺乏学习的内在动力。(2)高分组的学生最看重个人的发展,认为英语是人生前进路上一块重要的敲门砖,是当今社会非常有用的交流工具,他们对英语具有浓厚的兴趣,尤其是英语歌曲和英文电影。根据七个因子的排序发现中分组的学生与低分组的学生没有明显差异,他们学英语的动机来自于成绩,对英语没有表现出发自内心的喜爱。(3)三个组的学生都能正确的对自己英语学习中的失败进行归因,他们都将自己的努力排在了第一位。然而低分组的学生没能对自己英语学习中的成功正确归因,因为他们将好运气排在了第一位,忽略了自身努力的重要性,过分强调外在因素在英语学习中的作用。根据研究发现,结合教学经验,作者试着提出以下三条建议:(1)制定学习目标,提升内在动力。(2)激发学生的英语学习兴趣。(3)帮助学生正确的归因。
[Abstract]:In recent years, international exchanges and cooperation have been increasing day by day. English has become one of the basic requirements for talents in the 21st century. It has not only become a tool for students to communicate and communicate with foreigners. It has become an indispensable basic skill in students' daily study and life. The new curriculum reform puts forward that English teaching should be student-oriented and teacher-led. In the whole teaching process, students are both initiators and participants, and at the same time, they are also gainers. There are many factors affecting their English language learning, such as intelligence, gender, interest, motivation, strategy, achievement and so on. A large number of studies have shown that foreign language learners' learning motivation and attitude have a direct impact on their academic achievement. Strong motivation and positive attitude play an important role in arousing interest and improving students' English learning achievement. According to attribution theory, correct attribution plays a positive role in motivating learning motivation and forming good learning attitude. Based on the analysis of the literature at home and abroad, this study summarizes the motivation of English learning, and draws on the questionnaire designed by Senior one Hong and others to analyze the cultural motivation and instrumental motivation of the students in Beizhong No. 5 Middle School. Situational motivation and attribution are investigated in order to explore the influence of motivation types and individual factors on English learning. Try to answer the following three questions: (1) what are the characteristics of the students' English learning motivation? (2) what are the differences in the English learning motivation of the students at different levels? (3) what are the differences in the attribution styles of the students at different levels? By using SPSS20.0 and excel 2016 software, the average and standard deviation of the original data obtained from the questionnaire are analyzed. The results show that: (1) the English learning motivation of the students in Senior three is mainly instrumental motivation, and the most important thing for them is the test scores, followed by personal development. Among the seven factors of motivation, the intrinsic interest in cultural motivation is at the bottom, which indicates that the junior high school students lack the intrinsic motivation to study. (2) the students in the high score group value their personal development most, and think that English is an important step in the way of life. They are very interested in English, especially English songs and English movies. According to the ranking of the seven factors, it was found that there was no significant difference between the middle group students and the low group students, and their motivation for learning English came from their achievement. (3) the students in the three groups can correctly attribute their failure in English learning, and they all put their efforts first. However, the low group students failed to correctly attribute their success in English learning, because they put good luck first, ignored the importance of their own efforts, and overemphasized the role of external factors in English learning. According to the findings of the study, combined with teaching experience, the author tries to put forward the following three suggestions: (1) setting learning goals and promoting internal motivation; (2) arousing students' interest in English learning; (3) helping students to attribute correctly.


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