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发布时间:2018-06-25 18:25

  本文选题:《论语》 + 哲学阐释学 ; 参考:《天津科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The "one along the way" provides an important platform for communication and cooperation between China and other countries. The footsteps of Chinese culture "go out" are also accelerating, and more foreigners know Chinese traditional culture. There is no doubt that translation plays an important role in this process. The Chinese traditional culture is extensive and profound, with more than five thousand years. History concentrates on the great wisdom, philosophy and values of the ancient people. As a representative of Chinese traditional culture, the Analects of Confucius not only portrays the way of thinking of the Chinese people from generation to generation, but also its translation has a profound influence on the world. Based on this point, this article will adopt Nida's five categories of culture, and the culturally loaded words in the Analects of Confucius are divided into five categories: material culture loaded words, ecological culture loaded words, social culture. Gadamer, the master of modern philosophical hermeneutics, puts forward three theoretical principles: "historical understanding", "visual field fusion" and "effect history". This article will use these three principles to compare and analyze different English translations, aiming at explaining the diversity of cultural loaded words translation. In the process of interpretation and translation, the translator will be influenced by the historical environment, the knowledge background, the values, the religious beliefs and the prejudices. Through a case study, the author finds that the four translators have adopted the domestication and the culture loaded words in the Analects. Alienation of these two translation strategies. Therefore, this article holds that under the influence of the three principles of philosophical hermeneutics put forward by Gadamer, the English translation of cultural loaded words should be different from time to time. In order to transfer the cultural elements in the original text, the translator should adopt the translation strategy of domestication or Foreignization in a timely manner. The translation strategy of the culture loaded words in the traditional classics is studied, and then the criticism study of the Analects of Confucius is carried out to promote the dissemination of the Confucian classics. The purpose of the English translation of traditional Chinese classics is not only to explain the meaning of the original text, but also to convey the text behind the meaning. The Analects of Confucius is in ancient Chinese literature, culture and the world. When translating Chinese classics like the Analects of Confucius, the translator should first understand the original text and pass on the relevant historical materials to convey the culture in the translation strategy, which is in accordance with the historical environment and the needs of the situation.


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