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发布时间:2018-06-29 13:33

  本文选题:感知学习风格 + 英语学习成绩 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:传统的英语教学忽略了英语学习的个体差异,这种现象与语言习得的原则背道而驰。学习者的个体差异造成了英语学习者学习水平的不同。一直以来,学习风格都是影响学生个体差异的关键要素,也受到了越来越多的研究者关注。目前为止的大多数国内外研究以大学生为对象,从学习风格的认知角度出发研究学生的学习倾向。本文主要以初中生为研究对象,从感知学习风格方面描述和分析学习者的风格倾向。作者运用1984年Reid设计的感知学习风格调查问卷表Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire(PLSPQ),结合半开放式访谈,对四川省成都市锦江区田家炳中学98名初二年级学生的感知学习风格进行研究,旨在描述和分析初中学生的感知学习风格偏好。结合成都市锦江区期末“期末“零诊”考试,运用独立样本T检验以及皮尔逊系数探讨初中学生感知学习风格与其英语学习成绩的关系。基于研究结果,作者指出要提高教师和学生对感知学习风格的认识,并就初中英语教学中学习风格的运用提出建议。本研究运用SPSS21.0以及Microsoft Office Excel对数据进行了统计分析,其描述性统计表明:(1)受试者呈现多样性的感知学习风格偏好,其偏好程度不一。其中受试者最倾向于小组型学习风格和听觉型学习风格,最不喜欢视觉型学习风格。(2)在性别差异方面,男女生在感知学习风格上没有明显差异,但女生更倾向于小组型学习方式,而男生更倾向于听觉型学习方式;在成绩水平差异方面,无论英语学习方面的优等生,中等生还是学困生,都更倾向于小组型和听觉型学习方式,最不喜欢视觉型学习方式。独立样本T检验以及皮尔逊系数结果表明:(3)触觉型,动觉型和自主型学习风格与英语学习成绩呈正相关;视觉型,听觉型和小组型学习风格与英语学习成绩呈负相关。(4)相对来说,视觉型和小组型学习风格是影响英语学习成绩的两个最具影响力的风格变量,他们与英语学习成绩呈负相关,相关系数为.-0.072和.-0.070。(5)各风格变量与英语学习成绩之间的皮尔逊系数绝对值均低于0.1,表明学习者的感知学习风格与英语学习成绩之间相关性非常低。针对以上研究结果,结合日常教学,作者对初中英语教师和学生提出了具体的教学建议和学习策略。一方面,教师应认识到学生个体差异的存在,尊重学生之间的差异以及不同的学习风格。在教学中,采用灵活多样的教学策略以求与学生学习风格相匹配,最大限度地帮助提高学生的学习成绩。另一方面,教师应有意识地帮助学生了解自己的英语学习风格,鼓励学生丰富学习风格使其适应不同的学习要求,实现学生自主学习。
[Abstract]:Traditional English teaching ignores individual differences in English learning, which runs counter to the principles of language acquisition. Individual differences in learners result in differences in English learners' learning levels. All along, learning style is the key factor that affects the individual difference of students, and has been paid more and more attention by researchers. Up to now, most domestic and foreign studies have studied the students' learning tendency from the cognitive perspective of learning style. This paper focuses on junior high school students to describe and analyze learners' style tendency from the perspective of perceived learning style. By using Perceptual Learning style questionnaire (PLSPQ) designed by Reid in 1984 and semi-open interview, the author studied the perceived learning styles of 98 junior middle school students in Tianjiabing Middle School, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the perceived learning style preferences of junior high school students. Combined with the final "zero diagnosis" examination in Jinjiang District, Chengdu, the relationship between perceived learning style and English learning achievement of junior high school students was discussed by using independent sample T test and Pearson coefficient. Based on the research results, the author points out that teachers and students should improve their understanding of perceived learning styles, and give some suggestions on the application of learning styles in junior high school English teaching. In this study, SPSS 21.0 and Microsoft Office Excel were used to analyze the data. The descriptive statistics showed that: (1) the subjects showed a variety of perceived learning style preferences, and their preferences were different. The subjects were most inclined to group learning style and auditory learning style, and least like visual learning style. (2) there was no significant difference in perceived learning style between male and female students in terms of gender differences. However, girls are more inclined to group learning, while boys are more inclined to auditory learning. In terms of performance differences, no matter the top students in English learning, secondary students or students with learning difficulties, Both of them prefer group learning and auditory learning, and most dislike visual learning. The results of independent sample T test and Pearson coefficient showed that: (3) tactile, kinesthetic and autonomous learning styles were positively correlated with English learning achievement; Auditory and group learning styles are negatively correlated with English learning achievement. (4) Visual and group learning styles are two of the most influential style variables affecting English learning achievement, and they are negatively correlated with English learning achievement. The correlation coefficients are .-0.072 and .-0.070. (5) the absolute value of Pearson coefficient between each style variable and English learning achievement is lower than 0.1, which indicates that the correlation between perceived learning style and English learning achievement is very low. According to the above research results, combined with daily teaching, the author puts forward specific teaching suggestions and learning strategies for junior high school English teachers and students. On the one hand, teachers should recognize the existence of students' individual differences and respect the differences between students and different learning styles. In teaching, flexible teaching strategies are adopted in order to match the students' learning style, and to help students improve their academic achievement to the maximum extent. On the other hand, teachers should consciously help students to understand their English learning styles, encourage students to enrich their learning styles to adapt to different learning requirements, and realize students' autonomous learning.


相关期刊论文 前3条

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2 祝茵;学习风格的个别差异与教学对策设计[J];昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版);2002年03期

3 叶剑萍;浅谈“学习风格”[J];宁波大学学报(教育科学版);1999年03期

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1 张莉;初中生英语学习风格研究[D];上海师范大学;2016年

2 陈华艳;初中生英语感知学习风格研究[D];重庆大学;2015年

3 梁利英;英语课堂中的学习风格与学生英语成绩的相关性研究[D];内蒙古师范大学;2014年

4 王红霞;中学生英语感知学习风格研究[D];广州大学;2013年

5 于娟娟;感知学习风格与高中生英语学习成绩相关性的研究[D];辽宁师范大学;2011年

6 张红;课堂教学与高中学生英语学习风格匹配的研究[D];湖南师范大学;2008年

7 陈银杏;高中生感知学习风格的研究[D];江西师范大学;2008年

8 王富民;感知学习风格与高中英语学业成绩的相关性研究[D];西北师范大学;2006年




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