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发布时间:2018-06-29 18:32

  本文选题:译介学 + 《秘密花园》 ; 参考:《西华大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:文学翻译作为文化交流的一种方式,具有丰富的表达力和感染力。而儿童文学翻译,因其目标读者的特殊性,在此基础上略有不同。从宽泛意义上来讲,译介学是指从文化层面上对翻译,尤其是对文学翻译所进行的一种跨文化研究。而“他国化”是指一国文学在传播到他国后,经过文化过滤、译介、接受之后发生的一种更为深层次的变异。这种变异主要体现在输出国文学本身的文化规则和文学话语已经在根本上被“他国化”。因此,“他国化”是文学翻译研究中的重要内容,而对儿童文学翻译作品的研究更是如此。《秘密花园》(The Secret Garden)是著名儿童文学作家弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特的经典儿童小说,自1911年首次出版以来在世界范围内得到了广泛的译介和传播。在过去的一个世纪,它被翻译成50多种语言,仅在中国就有多个图书版本。在被引进和翻译到中国以后,国内许多学者从目的论、生态主义以及女性主义等不同角度对其进行了研究。然而众多的研究尚未涉及到从译介学的角度对该作品的“他国化”研究。本文将主要运用译介学的理论,选取两版《秘密花园》的中译本,对其“他国化”进行深入研究。本篇论文以申亚玲编译版和陈俊群翻译版为例,从译介学的角度分析两版中译本与原文的不同之处。同时本文将主要在文体、文化以及文本格式三个层面上对《秘密花园》的两版中译本进行对比和分析,从而总结本篇论文的研究成果及其带来的启示。以期为外国儿童文学作品的引进和翻译提供新的思考方向,并为其他相关或类似的研究提供参考。本文对两版《秘密花园》中译本的“他国化”研究,主要从文体、文化和文本格式三个方面入手。其中文体方面的研究主要体现在文学语言方面的改变,文化方面的研究主要体现在文化规则的改变,而文本格式方面的研究则集中在文本布局的变化。在两版中译本的译介过程中,本研究发现归化翻译法更有利于其“他国化”。而译者在翻译过程中,也应该做更多的思考和更多的努力以促进优秀文学作品的“他国化”。因为推进优秀外国儿童文学作品的“他国化”可以在一定程度上促进中国儿童文学的发展,并改善中国儿童的成长氛围。
[Abstract]:As a way of cultural communication, literary translation has rich expressiveness and appeal. But children's literature translation, because of its target reader's particularity, on this basis slightly different. In a broad sense, translatology refers to a cross-cultural study of translation, especially literary translation, at the cultural level. "externalization" refers to a deeper variation that occurs after the spread of literature to other countries through cultural filtering, translation and acceptance. This variation is mainly reflected in the fact that the cultural rules and literary discourse of the exporting countries themselves have been fundamentally changed into other countries. Therefore, "externalization" is an important part of literary translation, especially in children's literary translation. The Secret Garden is a classic children's novel by Francis Hodgson Burnett, a famous writer of children's literature. Since its first publication in 1911, it has been widely translated and disseminated worldwide. Over the past century, it has been translated into more than 50 languages, with multiple editions in China alone. After being introduced and translated into China, many domestic scholars have studied it from different angles, such as teleology, ecologism and feminism. However, many studies have not been involved in the translation of the work from the perspective of the study of the "other countries". Based on the theory of translation and introduction, this paper chooses the Chinese translation of the two editions of Secret Garden and makes an in-depth study of its "externalization". Taking Shen Yaling and Chen Junqun as examples, this paper analyzes the differences between the two versions from the perspective of translatology. At the same time, this paper will compare and analyze the two Chinese versions of Secret Garden from the aspects of style, culture and text format, so as to sum up the research results of this paper and the enlightenment it brings. In order to provide a new direction of thinking for the introduction and translation of foreign children's literature, and to provide reference for other related or similar studies. This paper focuses on the study of the Chinese versions of the two editions of Secret Garden from three aspects: stylistic, cultural and textual format. The research on literary style is mainly reflected in the change of literary language, the study on culture is mainly reflected in the change of cultural rules, and the study on text format is focused on the change of text layout. In the process of translation and introduction of the two Chinese versions, the present study finds that domestication is more beneficial to its "externalization". In the process of translation, translators should do more thinking and more efforts to promote the "otherness" of excellent literary works. To a certain extent, it can promote the development of Chinese children's literature and improve the growing atmosphere of Chinese children.


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