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发布时间:2018-06-29 20:20

  本文选题:联合国报告 + 文本特色 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a translation practice report, selected part of the United Nations Secretary-General 's Annual report 2015 as the translation practice. The United Nations annual report is a summary of the world's annual political achievements and major problems. The report can help people in the country to keep abreast of the political situation in the world. According to Catherine? Rice's text translation theory states that the type of text determines the translator's translation method. In the process of text information translation, the translator's main task is to transfer the information contained to the maximum extent. In Rice's text translation theory, she divides the text into four main categories: information text, emoji text, infective text and auditory media text. According to its theory, the United Nations Secretary-General 's annual report belongs to the information text type of article. The full text is mainly divided into background introduction, translation process overview, translation strategies in words, sentences, The application of the text and the summary of the final translation experience illustrate the guiding significance of Rice's text type theory in the translation of United Nations reports. In combination with the theory, the translator adopts three translation strategies, namely literal translation, addition and subtraction, sequential approach and reverse order method, in order to meet the readers' reading needs. By combining the original text, initial translation and proofreading, this paper illustrates the importance of the combination of theory and practice with case studies, and summarizes its translation methods and techniques in order to provide useful reference for the translation of similar texts. In the course of the translation of the annual report, the author has not only come into contact with more technical terms, but also deepened his understanding of translation theory.


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