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发布时间:2018-07-01 17:17

  本文选题:性别差异 + 文本类型 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:笔者翻译实践任务所选书目是《性别化的社会》,第四版。作者迈克.基梅尔是权威的社会学家、专门从事性别研究的专家,他对性别关系做了非常深入的研究和探讨,此书也是性别研究较为权威的版本。笔者承担的翻译内容是:第七章“男女同班教育”(The Gendered Classroom)。本章主要介绍了教育系统中被夸大的性别差异,家长和老师对于男女性别差异偏激的预期,才是造成男女之间差距的根本原因。此书以信息型文本为主、表达型文本为辅,属于社会科学类学术主专著,专业性强。本章节多长难句、且专业术语较多、生词较多。因此需要笔者具备更高的长难句分析理解的能力。在翻译的过程中采取交际翻译为主、语义翻译为辅的翻译策略。交际翻译打破了原文的局限,较大程度地考虑目的语的结构、文化习惯和语言使用习惯,这使得译者能够调整文化差异,消除歧义。语义翻译强调忠实于原文的语言环境,在目的语语言结构和语义许可的范围内,把原作者在原文中表达的意思准确地再现出来。结合这两种翻译方法,目的语读者能够更加容易理解原作者的意图。本次实践报告由五个部分组成。第一部分任务描述,包括项目的特点和意义;第二部分译前分析和译前准备,描述了翻译的功能、文本特征、流程与工作安排;第三部分翻译理论及翻译方法探究,描述了翻译所用的理论方法及翻译方法探究;第四部分案例分析,从词法、句法、语篇、文化等层面挑选典型案例进行分析。第五部分问题和不足,对自己的在翻译过程中遇到的问题和不足进行总结分析和经验总结。
[Abstract]:The bibliography selected by the author for translation practice is the fourth edition of the Genderized Society. Michael. Kimmel is an authoritative sociologist and an expert in gender studies. He has made a very deep research and discussion on gender relations, and this book is also an authoritative version of gender studies. The author is responsible for the translation: chapter 7, "the Gendered classroom". This chapter mainly introduces the exaggerated gender differences in the education system. The extreme expectation of parents and teachers about the gender difference between men and women is the root cause of the gap between men and women. This book is mainly informative text, supplemented by expressive text, and belongs to the major academic monograph of social sciences. This chapter long difficult sentences, and professional terms more, more new words. Therefore, I need to have a higher ability to analyze and understand long difficult sentences. In the process of translation, communicative translation is adopted, and semantic translation is supplemented by translation strategy. Communicative translation breaks through the limitations of the source text and takes into account to a greater extent the structure of the target language, cultural habits and language usage habits, which enable the translator to adjust cultural differences and eliminate ambiguity. Semantic translation emphasizes fidelity to the language environment of the original text and accurately reproduces the meaning expressed by the original author in the original text to the extent that the target language structure and semantics permit. Combined with these two translation methods, the target language readers can understand the original author's intention more easily. The report consists of five parts. The first part describes the tasks, including the characteristics and significance of the project; the second part, pre-translation analysis and pre-translation preparation, describes the translation function, text characteristics, process and work arrangements; the third part, translation theory and translation methods. The fourth part is case analysis, which selects typical cases from lexical, syntactic, textual and cultural aspects. In the fifth part, the problems and shortcomings in translation are summarized and analyzed.


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