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发布时间:2018-07-02 20:09

  本文选题:石油专业 + 英文摘要 ; 参考:《长江大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Abstract is a short essay (GB6447 - 86), which provides a summary of the contents of the document without comment and supplementary interpretation, concise and accurate. As the preface of the whole paper, the summary provides readers with the problems to be solved by the readers, the methods adopted, the results, the conclusions and the simple summary of the innovation points, so that the readers can do the best. English abstracts are the bridges and media of international knowledge dissemination, academic exchanges and cooperation, and the quality of English abstracts has become an international retrieval system. It can be seen that writing an English abstract is more special and important. As a special text, the English abstract is expressed mainly through the theme of each clause, the semantic relation between the main preface and the mode of the theme propulsion. In the study of thematic progression in discourse, the related research mainly focuses on abstracts of scientific papers, abstracts of academic journals, abstracts of great papers and so on, which are relatively few for a particular type of summary. This study is based on the present situation of this study. This study is based on the English abstract of the petroleum academic papers written by the Chinese and English writers to explore the main selection patterns of the theme and the theme of each clause in this kind of discourse, aiming at writing academics for Chinese petroleum professionals. This study provides a certain reference for the English abstracts of the paper. This study is based on the theory of the theme rheme in Hallidy's Systemic Functional Linguistics and a new model based on the four types of theme propulsion model proposed by Danes. The contrastive analysis tries to solve two problems: (1) what is the main Rheme Structure of the English abstract of the petroleum academic papers written by the Chinese and English writers and the choice of the theme promotion? Are there any similarities and differences? (2) what are the reasons for these similarities and differences? On this basis, we propose to improve our petroleum scholars This study adopts two analytical methods: qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. First, we use qualitative method to divide each clause in each sample, find out the main position and the preface part of the clause, and analyze the main bit push mode of each clause, and then push the mode of the main bit and the main bit respectively. By means of quantitative analysis, the frequency of each position and main bit propulsion mode in the sample is calculated by using the SPSS statistical tool, and the selection data of the choice of principal bit and the theme propulsion model in English abstracts of Chinese scholars and English speaking scholars are marked by the method of independent sample t test. The results were discussed at the end of the study. The results showed that: (1) in the selection of the two English abstracts, more Chinese scholars chose to mark the main position while the foreign scholars in English were more used in the unmarked theme, of which there were significant differences in the selection of two English Abstracts for the marker theme. (2 In the choice of the mode of thematic propulsion, the simple line type and the continuation type propulsive model account for a large proportion of the two English abstracts, but the English abstracts written by Chinese scholars will use more continuation model, while the foreign scholars in English are more likely to choose the simple linear propulsion model, and the two There are significant differences in the two types of English abstracts. The derivative mode, the split rheme propulsion model and the cross theme propulsion model are used less in the two English abstracts, and there is no significant difference. (3) the two types of English abstracts have a fixed proportion of sentences that do not use any theme propulsion mode, but On the whole, Chinese scholars have written more sentences in English abstracts. Combined with the results of the study, the research from four aspects: the transfer of the mother tongue, the characteristics of the English and Chinese sentence patterns, the differences in the mode of thinking between English and Chinese and the English level of the English Abstracts. The results of this study can be given to China At the same time, the findings of this study can also be applied to the writing and translation teaching of abstracts of petroleum academic papers, which can not only improve the ability of students to write abstracts of academic papers, but also improve the ability of students to translate the abstract of academic papers.


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