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发布时间:2018-07-05 18:32

  本文选题:非真实性话语 + 语境顺应 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a pragmatic strategy, non-truthful discourse has become an indispensable part in verbal communication. At the same time, it has been studied in some fields, such as ethics, psychology, philosophy, sociology and rhetoric. Linguistics, etc. Some scholars think that untruthful discourse is an immoral speech act, which should be stopped to some extent. At the same time, more researches focus on how to distinguish the untruthful utterance. In fact, in the above research perspective, scholars have neglected the positive role of untruthful discourse in verbal communication. In the field of pragmatics, although some achievements have been made in the study of non-authentic discourse, its research is mainly based on the traditional pragmatic theories, such as cooperation principle, politeness principle and face theory, and there are still many shortcomings. The purpose of this paper is to use the adaptation theory put forward by Yev Visorun to analyze the untruthful utterances in English drama "ordinary Lies", and to study it from the following four perspectives: contextual adaptation (the mental world of the communicator), and the following four perspectives: contextual adaptation (the psychological world of the communicator). The social world and the physical world), the adaptation of language structure, the dynamics of adaptation and the degree of consciousness in the process of adaptation. The story takes place in a British car showroom and an outdoor sporting goods sales company. At present, there is no analysis of the drama. Therefore, this paper uses the adaptation theory proposed by Yev Visorun as the core theoretical framework to explain and analyze different types of non-authenticity discourse. This paper focuses on the following four questions: (1) how does the untruthful utterance adapt to the contextual relationship in English drama "ordinary lie"? (2) English drama "ordinary lie", and then focuses on the following four questions: (1) how does the untruthful utterance adapt to the contextual relationship in English drama "ordinary lie"? (2) English drama "ordinary lie". How to realize the linguistic structural adaptation of non-authentic discourse? (3) how to realize the dynamic adaptation of non-authentic discourse in English drama "ordinary lies"? (4) in the unauthentic discourse of "ordinary lie" in English drama; How do interlocutors highlight their ideology? Through the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the corpus, this study finds the following: (1) in verbal communication, Untruthful discourse is a kind of language choice made dynamically by verbal communicators at different levels of consciousness. (2) Non-truthful discourse can dynamically adapt to the physical world of both sides of the communication. Social world and psychological world; (3) the non-truthful discourse of English drama "ordinary lies" includes the following forms: false statement of true information, intentional hiding of relevant information and diversion of conversational topics; (4) in verbal communication, If the utterance communicator can reasonably use the unauthentic pragmatic strategy, its positive pragmatic function can be realized. At the same time, the application of adaptation theory to the analysis of non-authentic discourse provides a new perspective for future pragmatic studies, which is of theoretical and realistic significance.


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