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发布时间:2018-07-06 17:38

  本文选题:语篇分析 + 阅读教学 ; 参考:《杭州师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:英语阅读作为获取信息的一种重要方式,在教学中占有非常重要的地位。《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011版)要求九年级学生通过学习达到五级的标准,标准中有关“读”的具体要求如下:能够根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局;能读懂相应水平的常见体裁的读物;能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;能利用词典等工具书进行阅读;课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上。从以上要求的描述中可以看出,学生们不仅需要掌握文本的微观结构,还需要从宏观上对文本的体裁、语篇模式等进行理解。但受传统阅读教学观的影响,教师在教学过程中强调语法规则和句子结构,学生的语篇分析能力和实际语言运用能力并未得到有效培养,这便导致了部分学生出现了阅读困难并且失去了阅读的兴趣。语篇分析理论认为,语言研究应该将语篇作为整体进行研究。本文作者尝试将语篇分析理论,包括语境、体裁、语篇模式、衔接以及连贯等理论,与英语阅读教学相结合,通过对一节初中英语阅读课的教学设计进行研究,并将教学设计付诸教学实践,从而发现语篇分析理论对学生英语阅读的影响。从语篇的角度去分析文本,不仅能够帮助学生从微观上去分析文本,而且也能够帮助学生从宏观上去理解文本的体裁以及语篇结构等。本文以语篇分析的相关理论为基础,紧紧围绕初中英语阅读教学设计的过程进行研究,同时参考教学设计的一般模型来实施研究的具体步骤,即“分析—设计—评价—反思”。本次教学设计的对象是作者所任教的江苏省镇江市第三中学某班三十八名学生。作者选取了译林版英语九年级上册的课文The Shortest Player in the NBA作为阅读教学设计的文本。首先,在教学设计前,作者通过问卷对该班学生的阅读习惯、阅读策略的使用情况以及语篇分析理论在实际教学中的影响进行了分析,这为研究的进一步开展做好了铺垫;其次,作者结合案例对教学要素包括学习者、学习需求以及学习内容逐一进行分析;在此基础上,作者运用语篇分析的相关理论设计阅读教学的过程,并结合具体的教学步骤和教学活动阐述语篇分析的相关理论如何与教学实践相结合;最后,作者将此教学设计运用到课堂教学中,课后通过对学生的访谈、对听课教师的访谈以及作者的自我反思来评估这节阅读课教学设计的效果,同时在此过程中进一步发现了语篇分析理论对学生阅读所产生的积极影响。
[Abstract]:As an important way to obtain information, English reading plays a very important role in teaching. English Curriculum Standard for compulsory Education (2011 Edition) requires ninth grade students to reach CET-5 through study. The specific requirements for "reading" in the standard are as follows: the ability to infer the meaning of new words based on context and word-formation; the ability to understand the logical relationships between sentences in paragraphs; the ability to find out the themes of the article and the plot of the story. To predict the development and possible outcome of the story plot; to understand the corresponding level of common genre reading materials; to use simple reading strategies to obtain information according to different reading purposes; to use dictionaries and other reference books to read; The amount of extracurricular reading should be more than 150000 words. From the above description, we can see that students need not only to master the microstructure of the text, but also to understand the genre and discourse patterns of the text from a macro perspective. However, under the influence of the traditional reading teaching view, teachers emphasize grammar rules and sentence structure in the teaching process, and the students' ability of discourse analysis and practical language use has not been effectively cultivated. This has resulted in some students having difficulty reading and losing interest in reading. Discourse analysis theory holds that language research should be conducted as a whole. The author attempts to combine the theories of discourse analysis, including context, genre, discourse pattern, cohesion and coherence, with the teaching of English reading. Teaching design is put into teaching practice to find out the influence of discourse analysis theory on students' English reading. Text analysis from the perspective of text can not only help students to analyze the text from a micro perspective, but also help students to understand the genre and structure of the text from a macro perspective. Based on the relevant theories of discourse analysis, this paper focuses on the process of English reading teaching design in junior high school. At the same time, it refers to the general model of teaching design to carry out the concrete steps of the research, that is, "analysis, design, evaluation and reflection". The object of this teaching design is a class of 38 students in Zhenjiang No. 3 Middle School, Jiangsu Province, where the author teaches. The author chooses the short player in the NBA as the text of reading teaching design. First of all, before the teaching design, the author analyzes the students' reading habits, the use of reading strategies and the influence of discourse analysis theory in practical teaching through questionnaires, which lays the groundwork for the further development of the study. Secondly, the author analyzes the teaching elements including learners, learning needs and learning contents one by one, and then designs the process of reading teaching by using the relevant theories of discourse analysis. Combining with specific teaching steps and teaching activities, the author explains how the relevant theories of discourse analysis are combined with teaching practice. Finally, the author applies the teaching design to the classroom teaching, and interviews with the students after class. In order to evaluate the effect of the teaching design of the reading class, the author also finds out the positive influence of discourse analysis theory on the students' reading in the course of the interview with the teacher and the author's self-reflection.


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3 马博森;阅读教学中的话语分析模式[J];外语教学与研究;1995年03期




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