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发布时间:2018-07-08 11:13

  本文选题:学习动机 + 少儿英语学习 ; 参考:《青海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The status of English in the global village is not only a language, but also a symbol of the development and civilization of a country. Chinese and English are essentially different in nature, learning English is not easy. China has formulated relevant policies and standards on English learning, and the age of English learners tends to be gradually younger, however, There are still many students who do not know what to do with their English learning. There are a lot of relevant studies, some of which are very targeted. After reading the relevant literature, her motivation for learning English has attracted her attention. As the saying goes: interest is the best teacher, as long as students are interested in learning, or motivated to learn, there is no way to master this foreign language. Most of the studies on English learning motivation focus on middle school students or college students, and there are few studies on primary school students' English learning motivation. The unique point of this paper is that the author selects students from two primary schools in Xining to study the motivation of English learning in order to fill the gap in this research field. According to relevant studies, pupils' English learning motivation is mainly affected by three factors: family environment, individual students and teachers. The family environment mainly considers the parents' attention and expectation to their children's English learning; the student's individual factor refers to the students' effort and expectation in language learning; the teacher's factor includes the teacher's attention to the student's learning and the teaching method. As language learning motivation directly affects students' language learning strategies and learning goals, the research in this field will become one of the keys to the improvement of primary school students' English proficiency. The study was carried out in two primary schools in Xining. Research tools include tests, questionnaires, interviews and classroom observations. A total of 180 students from the two schools participated in the study. The thesis is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the importance and purpose of this research, the second part presents the relevant theoretical basis, the third part shows the research process, the fourth part is the core of the paper. The fifth part is the conclusion of the paper, the author summarizes the research results, analyzes the limitations of the research and gives some suggestions for similar studies in the future.


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