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发布时间:2018-07-10 12:01

  本文选题:内地 + 香港 ; 参考:《天津商业大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:香港作为中国的一部分,与内地有共同的文化根源。但是150多年的英国殖民统治使其经历了各种意识形态变化。回归祖国后,内地与香港的交流越来越多,促进两地经济发展的同时,也带来了各种冲突。因此,内地与香港的文化差异成为学者们的研究热点。新闻媒体能引导并体现社会主流意识形态。通过研究内地和香港新闻语言的特点,可以探究其背后的文化因素。本文分别从China Daily和The Standard选取6篇英文财经报道作为样本,基于Hofstede的价值维度和连淑能的中西思维方式观点,结合定量和定性研究方法,对新闻语篇的及物性过程做对比研究,以揭示内地和香港英文财经报道的语言特点和两地文化差异,为两地跨文化商务沟通提供参考。研究发现:内地和香港财经新闻报道中,物质、言语和关系过程占大多数,心理过程使用率较低,存在和行为过程则很少使用。整体上,和内地相比,香港新闻报道采用更多的物质和言语过程。而关系过程在内地报道中的比例比香港更大。原因在于:香港更倾向于个人主义和分析性、对象性、逻辑性和实证性思维方式;内地则更倾向于集体主义及整体性和意向性思维。另外,通过对物质过程和言语过程的深入分析,发现香港新闻报道表现出低权力距离和求异性思维的文化特点,而内地文化则表现出高权力距离和求同性思维。
[Abstract]:As part of China, Hong Kong shares cultural roots with the mainland. But more than 150 years of British colonial rule caused it to undergo various ideological changes. Since its return to the motherland, more and more exchanges between the mainland and Hong Kong have promoted the economic development of the two places and brought about various conflicts. Therefore, the cultural differences between the mainland and Hong Kong have become the focus of scholars. The news media can guide and embody the mainstream ideology of society. By studying the characteristics of news language in the mainland and Hong Kong, we can explore the cultural factors behind it. Based on the value dimension of Hofstede and Lian Shu-neng 's view of Chinese and Western thinking mode, this paper makes a comparative study on the process of news discourse and its transitivity by combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. In order to reveal the language characteristics and cultural differences between the mainland and Hong Kong, this paper provides a reference for cross-cultural business communication between mainland and Hong Kong. It is found that in the financial news reports in mainland China and Hong Kong, the material, speech and relationship processes account for the majority, while the psychological processes are used less, while the existential and behavioral processes are seldom used. Overall, Hong Kong news reports use more material and verbal processes than the mainland. And the relationship process in the mainland reported a larger proportion than Hong Kong. The reason lies in: Hong Kong is more inclined to individualism and analytical, object, logical and empirical thinking mode, while the mainland is more inclined to collectivism and holistic and intentional thinking. In addition, through the in-depth analysis of the material process and the speech process, it is found that the Hong Kong news report shows the cultural characteristics of low power distance and seeking for differences, while the inland culture shows the high power distance and the common thinking.


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