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发布时间:2018-07-10 13:51

  本文选题:《西游记》 + 诗歌翻译 ; 参考:《杭州师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在文化多元化的新时代,中国正顺应时代要求,提高我国的文化软实力,让我国优秀的传统文化走出国门。而传统文化典籍的翻译在文化输出中起着至关重要的作用。《西游记》作为中国四大名著之一,蕴含着深厚的中国传统文化与独特的文学魅力,在中国文学乃至世界文学史上都占有不可替代的地位。《西游记》英译本众多,其中,詹纳尔、余国藩的译本是唯一的两个全译本。本文就这两个全译本的诗歌翻译比较分析其运用深度翻译策略的差异以及出现这种差异的原因。深度翻译是美国学者Kwame Anthony Appiah于1993年发表的Thick Translation一文中提出来的。该策略主张通过添加注释和伴随的注解等方法将文本置于丰富的文化和语言环境中,目的在于为目标读者提供背景知识信息,便于对源语的理解。深度翻译对文学翻译,尤其是传统文学作品的翻译具有非常重要的意义。研究结果表明:1)两位译者都是按照原文逐行翻译诗歌,没有重新划分段落,因此,在翻译诗歌部分时都主要运用了尾注的形式进行深度翻译。2)两个译本在尾注的数量上存在较大差异,余国藩的诗歌翻译一共添加了546个尾注,而詹纳尔只添加了21个尾注。另外,尾注的详细度也存在差异。余国藩的尾注通常都包括了阐释对象的背景知识,特点介绍和索引信息。而詹纳尔则相对单一。3)存在这种深度翻译运用上的差异主要有三种原因。除了译者的意识形态和文化倾向不同以外,译者的目的也不同。余国藩的目的在于向西方世界介绍中国文化,而詹纳尔则是希望西方读者能够从中得到乐趣。
[Abstract]:In the new era of cultural diversity, China is complying with the requirements of the times, raising the cultural soft power of our country and making our country's excellent traditional culture out of the country. And the translation of traditional culture books plays a vital role in the cultural output. As one of the four famous books in China, the western travel notes contains a profound Chinese traditional culture and unique culture. Literary charm occupies an irreplaceable position in both Chinese literature and the history of world literature. < westward travel > English translation is numerous. Among them, Janal and Yu Guofan's translation are the only two full versions. This paper compares and analyzes the differences in the use of deep translation strategies and the reasons for the difference in the translation of the two full versions of poetry. Deep translation is proposed by the American scholar Kwame Anthony Appiah in the Thick Translation published in 1993. The strategy advocates that the text is placed in a rich cultural and linguistic environment by adding annotations and accompanying annotations. The purpose is to provide the target readers with background information and to facilitate the understanding of the source language. Translation is of great significance for literary translation, especially in the translation of traditional literary works. The results of the study show that: 1) the two translators are translating poetry line by line in accordance with the original text without redividing paragraphs. Therefore, the number of the two translations of the two translations in the amount of the tail is the main use of the form of the tail note in the translation of the poems. There are a lot of differences, and Yu Guofan's poetry translation has added 546 pads, while Janal only added 21 tail notes. In addition, the detail of the tail is also different. The tail notes of Yu Guofan usually include the background knowledge of the interpreter, the feature introduction and the index information. And jensar is relatively single.3) and there is such a deep translation. There are three main reasons for the difference. In addition to the different translators' ideology and cultural tendencies, the translator's purpose is different. Yu Guofan aims to introduce Chinese culture to the western world, while Janal wants western readers to have fun.


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