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发布时间:2018-07-11 22:01

  本文选题:元认知知识 + 元认知过程 ; 参考:《华东理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:尽管越来越多的研究开始关注元认知和语言学习的关联,但是很少有研究将研究范围聚焦在学术英语写作上。将非母语英语专业学习者作为研究对象的相关研究更是少数。鉴于元认知在语言学习中的重要作用,本文的研究目的是探讨元认知因素与学术英语写作之间的关系,并将研究范围限定于中国英语专业本科生的学术英语写作。在元认知的理论框架的基础上,本文提出三个具体的研究问题:1)中国英语专业本科生的元认知知识情况如何?2)元认知过程,即元认知计划、控制和调整对中国英语专业本科生的学术英语写作会产生哪些影响?3)中国英语专业本科生在学术英语写作活动的前、中、后都存在哪些元认知体验?为了回答以上三个研究问题,本文采取定量和定性相结合的研究方法。在定量研究中,作者把元认知问卷以及英语专业本科生的毕业论文的摘要部分作为研究材料。有65名被试者参与了本次研究。问卷以及摘要的统计结果经过SPSS 17.0运作得出,用于描述性分析、相关分析、方差分析进行分析研究。在定性研究中,作者采取面对面访谈的方式,对学术英语写作高分组和低分组的学生进行了个案研究。定性研究的结果对定量研究的结果进行了必要的补充和说明。研究结果表明,1)中国英语专业本科生的元认知知识处于中等偏上水平;女性被试者对元认知知识的掌握要好于男性被试者;2)元认知计划、控制和调整与学术英语写作质量呈正相关;经常进行计划、控制和调整的被试者的学术英语写作质量更好;3)中国英语专业本科生在学术英语写作前与学术英语写作中有消极的元认知体验,而在学术英语写作后有积极的元认知体验。研究结果具有一定的理论意义和教学意义。在理论方面,该研究证实了元认知理论在学术英语写作中的重要作用。在教学方面,教师应当提供元认知策略的指导,同时学生也应当注重元认知意识的培养。本研究的不足之处以及未来相关研究的建议在文末也有提及。
[Abstract]:Although more and more studies have focused on the relationship between metacognition and language learning, few studies have focused on academic English writing. The study of non-native English major learners as the object of study is even less. In view of the important role of metacognition in language learning, the purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between metacognitive factors and academic English writing, and to limit the scope of research to the academic English writing of Chinese English majors. Based on the theoretical framework of metacognition, this paper proposes three specific research questions: 1) how about the metacognitive knowledge of Chinese English majors? 2) the metacognitive process, that is, metacognitive planning. What is the influence of controlling and adjusting on the academic English Writing of Chinese English majors? 3) what metacognitive experiences do Chinese English majors have before, during and after academic English writing activities? In order to answer the above three research questions, this paper adopts quantitative and qualitative research methods. In the quantitative study, the metacognitive questionnaire and the abstract of the graduation thesis of English majors were used as the research materials. Sixty-five subjects participated in the study. The statistical results of the questionnaire and summary were analyzed by SPSS 17.0 and used for descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and variance analysis. In the qualitative study, the author conducted a case study of students with high scores and low scores in academic English writing by face-to-face interviews. The results of qualitative research are necessary to supplement and explain the results of quantitative research. The results show that: 1) the metacognitive knowledge of Chinese English majors is at an intermediate level, and the metacognitive knowledge of female subjects is better than that of male subjects. Control and adjustment are positively related to the quality of academic English writing. Chinese English majors have negative metacognitive experience before academic English writing and academic English writing, but positive metacognitive experience after academic English writing. The research results have certain theoretical significance and teaching significance. Theoretically, this study confirms the important role of metacognitive theory in academic English writing. In teaching, teachers should provide guidance on metacognitive strategies, and students should also pay attention to the cultivation of metacognitive consciousness. The inadequacies of this study and the suggestions for future studies are also mentioned at the end of this paper.


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