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发布时间:2018-07-13 07:37
[Abstract]:Taking Skopos Theory as the theoretical framework, taking the works of Ming and Qing dynasties and their English versions such as Liaozhai Biography, Outlaws of the Marsh, Tiangong and Xu Xiake Journey as the main research objects, this paper studies the English translation of the units of measurement in the classical books of the Ming and Qing dynasties. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the differences between the translation of unit of measure in different types of texts in literary classics and non-literary classical books in terms of translation purpose, corresponding translation strategies and translation methods. In the research, the author adopts the method of combining qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and qualitative analysis is the main method. The unit of measurement and its translation in the Ming and Qing dynasties, including the unit of length, the unit of area, the unit of weight, the unit of volume, the unit of time and the unit of measure of currency. Each part begins with the purpose of translation of units of measure in literary and non-literary classics, studies translation strategies and methods, and compares the two. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether the translation strategies and methods of two different texts are influenced by the purpose of translation. The main results of this thesis are as follows: firstly, the main causes of unit of measurement mistranslation include the lack of attention to unit translation, the lack of in-depth understanding of the original text, and the inconsistency of translation methods. This paper summarizes the common methods of translation of units of measurement in Ming and Qing dynasties, such as transliteration, free translation, numerical conversion, etc., and puts forward that the translation method of "transliteration plus note" is more effective. This paper holds that Skopos theory can play an effective role in guiding the translation of units of measurement. Finally, this paper proposes that the corresponding translation strategies and methods should be chosen according to the types and purposes of translation for different units of measurement in different texts.


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