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发布时间:2018-07-14 10:12
[Abstract]:This paper makes a case study of the phenomenon of missing translation in the author's first interpreting practice. Based on the classification and summarization of the in-situ translation of accompanying and conference interpretation, this paper divides the phenomenon of omission into two main parts: the category of technical terms and the category of notes. According to the reasons of missing translation, this paper puts forward some countermeasures, including making good preparation before translation, strengthening note-taking exercises and so on, as well as constructing and enriching the knowledge structure. The practical measures of improving the comprehensive quality of bilingual basic skills. The paper emphasizes that only through the dual improvement of language competence and external competence can the occurrence of missing translation be reduced fundamentally and the ability to process and express information in the process of interpretation can be improved. The analysis of the phenomenon of missing translation and the strategies proposed in this paper will help English interpreting learners who are faced with similar problems.


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