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发布时间:2018-07-14 11:16
【摘要】:自翻译诞生以来,各种翻译理论层出不穷,在指导翻译以及促进翻译理论的发展方面做出重要的贡献。由莱斯、弗米尔和诺德等人提出的目的论认为任何一种翻译行为都有目的,而这种目的便决定了译者采用的翻译策略和技巧。本文分析了科普书籍翻译过程中目的论的指导作用。本文选取安娜·博茨福德·康斯托克(Anna Botsford Comstock)《自然手册》中的部分章节作为研究对象,旨在研究目的论原则对本书以及科普翻译的指导作用。翻译目的论是20世纪70年代兴起于德国的一种全新的翻译理论,并且经过几代学者的研究与发展,已经相对成熟。《自然手册》一书虽然是科普书籍,是以传达信息为主的信息类文本,但是该书的文学性也比较强。译者根据翻译目的论选取了合适的翻译方法顺利完成翻译项目。笔者运用翻译目的论,通过实例分析,从目的原则、连贯性原则、忠实性原则和忠诚性原则四个方面对该翻译项目进行了深入的分析与研究。经分析得出,运用目的论的上述原则指导科普文本的翻译,既能保证原文信息传达的准确性,又能保证体现文本的文学性。笔者希望可以为类似文本的翻译提供可借鉴的经验。
[Abstract]:Since the birth of translation, various translation theories have emerged in endlessly, making important contributions to guiding translation and promoting the development of translation theory. The Skopos theory put forward by Rice Vermeer and Nord holds that any translation action has its own purpose which determines the translation strategies and techniques adopted by the translator. This paper analyzes the guiding role of Skopos theory in the translation of popular science books. This paper studies some chapters of Anna Botsford Comstock's Handbook of Nature in order to study the guiding role of Skopos principle in the book and popular science translation. Skopos theory is a new translation theory that emerged in Germany in the 1970s, and has been relatively mature through the research and development of several generations of scholars. It is a kind of information text which mainly conveys information, but its literariness is also strong. According to the Skopos Theory, the translator selects the appropriate translation methods to complete the translation project successfully. Based on the Skopos Theory, the author makes a thorough analysis and study of the translation project from four aspects: Skopos principle, coherence principle, faithfulness principle and loyalty principle. Through analysis, it is concluded that the translation of popular science texts can be guided by the Skopos principle, which can not only guarantee the accuracy of the original information transmission, but also the literariness of the text. The author hopes to provide reference experience for the translation of similar texts.




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