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发布时间:2018-07-14 12:11
【摘要】:本翻译项目选取了国际劳工组织发布的Women at Work:Trends 2016(《工作中的女性:2016年趋势》)作为源语文本。该报告基于全球178个国家的统计数据,再现了男女劳动力的处境及在过去20年中的演变,为解决工作中的性别差异问题提供了政策建议。本项目报告以翻译的部分章节为实践内容,对翻译原文和译文进行了分析与总结。根据彼得·纽马克(PeterNewmark)的文本类型理论,项目源语文本属于信息型文本,翻译过程中应以信息的准确传达为中心。本项目报告在源语文本类型和文本特点的基础上,首先分析了翻译过程中遇到的重难点,包括词汇层面的术语翻译和多义词翻译,以及句法层面的复杂句型翻译。其次,重点阐述了重难点的解决方法,并辅以典型实例分析。译者以文本类型理论为指导,充分考虑源语文本的文本类型及特点,灵活采用不同的翻译技巧解决翻译的重难点,力求用简洁明了的语言准确地传达原文的信息。在词汇层面,运用约定俗成翻译法和借助平行文本翻译法提高术语翻译的准确性和一致性;通过搭配翻译法和语境翻译法确定多义词的具体词义。在句法层面,使用顺序法、逆序法和分译法翻译复杂句,提高译文的可读性。最后,译者总结了在翻译过程中获得的经验教训及待解决的问题,并提出了信息型文本的翻译建议,为信息型文本的汉译提供可能的参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:The project selects Women at work: trends 2016 (Women at work: trends 2016) released by the International Labour Organization as the source language version. Based on statistics from 178 countries around the world, the report reproduces the situation of the male and female labour force and how it has evolved over the past 20 years, providing policy recommendations to address the gender gap at work. This project report takes some chapters of translation as the practical content, and analyzes and summarizes the original text and the translated text. According to Peter Newmark's text type theory, the source language of the project belongs to the informative text, and the translation process should focus on the accurate communication of information. On the basis of the type of source language and the characteristics of the text, this project first analyzes the important difficulties encountered in the process of translation, including the translation of lexical terms and polysemous words, and the translation of complex sentence patterns at the syntactic level. Secondly, the method of solving the heavy difficulty is expounded, and the typical example is analyzed. Guided by the text type theory, the translator takes full account of the text types and characteristics of the source language, adopts flexible translation techniques to solve the important and difficult problems in translation, and tries to convey the information of the original text accurately in a concise and clear language. At the lexical level, idiosyncratic translation and parallel text translation are used to improve the accuracy and consistency of terminology translation, and the specific meanings of polysemous words are determined by collocation translation and contextual translation. At the syntactic level, the order method, reverse order method and sub-translation method are used to improve the readability of the translation. Finally, the translator summarizes the experiences and lessons learned in the process of translation and the problems to be solved, and puts forward some suggestions for the translation of informative texts, which can provide a possible reference for the translation of informative texts into Chinese.


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