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发布时间:2018-07-15 10:42
[Abstract]:In the modern and highly developed society, multimedia information technology and the Internet have a great impact on people's daily life, and also infiltrate into all aspects of the field of education. The trend of the integration of modern multimedia information technology and education and teaching is unstoppable and has become a powerful driving force in the reform of education and teaching. This paper puts forward the following requirements: to promote the general application of information technology in education and teaching, and then to promote the effective integration of information technology with various courses. As far as the English subject is concerned, it is proposed in English Curriculum Standard that the modern technology should be used to promote students' English learning and to help them solve their learning problems, making it a powerful tool. At the same time, it also emphasizes the use of modern technical means to change students' learning styles, improve their learning effects, and actively participate in English learning activities. This point points out the direction and approach of English curriculum reform. Therefore, based on the investigation and understanding of the integration of information technology and English teaching in individual schools, this paper compares the differences of teaching results before and after the experiment, analyzes the present situation, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of integration. This paper puts forward some countermeasures to optimize English teaching in senior high school by using information technology. The purpose of this study is to explore how to effectively introduce information technology into English teaching in senior high school and how to improve the quality and effectiveness of English teaching in senior high school by using information technology. In high school English classroom, multimedia and network technology are used to design and launch rich and colorful teaching activities, so that boring and abstract teaching content can be transformed into dynamic content of visual and audible, and the classroom capacity will be increased. It is of great significance to stimulate students' interest and enthusiasm in learning and to consolidate and improve their language competence in the classroom, which is of great significance to the cultivation of teachers' and students' information literacy. This paper selects Shexian Middle School in Huangshan City, Anhui Province, as a case study from the perspective of English teaching in senior middle schools. Literature research method, questionnaire method, to attend class, after class interviews and other methods to investigate and research. Based on the case study, this paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of the integration of multimedia information technology and English teaching, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions. The conclusion shows that the application of multimedia information technology can bring vitality and vitality to the senior high school English classroom to a certain extent, and then improve the students' learning efficiency and academic achievement. However, if we over-rely on multimedia teaching and neglect effective methods, or even abandon the excellent teaching methods of traditional classroom, the results will be totally different.


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