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发布时间:2018-07-15 13:55
[Abstract]:This paper describes the experience of the project reporter in the practice of medical interpretation. The two interpretation projects are "ABC Company negotiating Medical Software system Cooperation in Nanjing" and "Jiangsu Life Science and Technology Innovation Garden pilot platform Cooperation". In the past, project reports in this field mainly focused on the lack of relevant professional knowledge, poor psychological quality and inadequate preparation, while the speaker started from three specific cross-cultural obstacles, namely, knowledge culture. Concept culture and language culture. Knowledge culture belongs to the same level as the lack of professional knowledge in the previous project reports, but knowledge is advancing with the times, and different professional knowledge will appear with the development of the project, so it is necessary to organize the newly emerging professional vocabulary. Different from the previous reports, the author also analyzes the other two obstacles, namely, the barriers of concept culture and language culture, including the differences in the way of thinking between China and the West, the different attitudes of Chinese and Western towards titles, the translation of idioms and idioms, and the translation of idioms and idioms. The speaker analyzes the three main obstacles to interpretation in the light of practical examples, summarizes and discusses these problems according to his own practice and research, and finally puts forward two solutions: first, By learning from daily life and listening and recording to expand their knowledge reserve; second, to learn appropriate conversion, that is, unfamiliar words to its synonyms, to change the way of thinking between China and the West and to translate oral translation into drawings. The obstacles encountered by the speaker in the two interpretation projects and the solutions to them will provide reference for the interpreting students and learners.


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