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发布时间:2018-07-16 07:58
[Abstract]:Liu Bannong (1891 - 1934) is one of the initiator of the 54 new literary movement. He shows his political and literary position through poetry translation, triggering the transformation of the modernity of Chinese translation and literature. And most of them are synchronic studies. Even if there is a diachronic study, it is only to try to clarify the stage characteristics of Liu Bannong's poetry translation and to make little reference to the logical connection between the characteristics of the stage. Therefore, the previous study lacks a certain systematic and logical character. The diachronic study on the evolution process and the development of the translation of Li Qingliu's half agriculture Poetry The context is of great significance to facilitate the study of the modernity and Modernity of translation. In view of this, this article discusses the translation of Liu Ban's rural poetry from three aspects from the perspective of diachronic, co - temporal, comparative analysis, case analysis and qualitative analysis. First, from the perspective of diachronic perspective Poetry translation is combed, the characteristics are summed up through case analysis, and the logical connection between the characteristics is clarifies. Its characteristics include the theme from patriotic feelings to humanistic care, from single to diversity. Translation technical level is also transformed from domestication to foreignization, from translation to interpretation to literal translation. Poetry style is also from rhythm. The traditional style of classical Chinese has evolved into the prose of no rhyme vernacular language. In logical relation, its evolution is characterized by mutual dependence and mutual encouragement. In this process, a new style of poetry is created, that is, prose poetry. Secondly, the reasons for the evolution of Liu Bannong's poetry translation from both diachronic and synchronic perspectives are discussed. The rise of literary revolution and Liu Ban The folk feelings and critical thinking of the peasants have promoted their evolution together. The rise of the vernacular movement and the vigorous advocacy of other advanced intellectuals have provided the convenience for Liu Bannong's poetry translation. And Liu Bannong's love for the folk made his poetry to be popular in the theme and language style. As a literary Revolution One member, Liu Bannong's thought is not radical, always maintains a critical attitude towards the revolution, and makes the evolution of poetry translation present gradual characteristics. Finally, from the related theories of translation and literature, it explores the Enlightenment of Liu Bannong's poetry translation to modern translation and literature. Liu Bannong's poetry translation has gradually moved away from the late Qing Dynasty. The style of translation mainly adopts the translation strategy of naturalization and literal translation, pays more attention to the literary nature of poetry, translates poetry into vernacular prose poetry, challenges the traditional poetry translation norms, and Chinese translation and literature begin to move towards modernity. Liu Bannong and others borrow the variety of the themes of poetry translation and the borrowing of creative techniques. It brings inspiration to the construction of new literature. Chinese literature begins to integrate with world literature deeply, and the modernity factor in Chinese literature is increasingly active. The inspiration of this paper is as follows: first, the various aspects of the evolution of Liu Bannong's poetry translation are interconnected and interdependent. The coordination of the language body, the style of poetry and the translation strategy not only promotes the other. The perfection of this is also beneficial to accelerating the construction of new literature. Second, Liu Bannong's critical thinking makes the evolution of poetry translation gradual, which makes the new literature need to be gradually perfected and the construction of new literature has a steady foundation. Third, the evolution of Liu Bannong's poetry translation not only has a technical level of enlightenment, but also has a text. Not only does translation begin to move towards modernity, but Chinese literature begins to integrate with world literature, and the modernity factor in translation and literature will also help the Chinese people to get rid of the traditional constraints and move from thought to modernity.


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