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发布时间:2018-07-16 08:32
【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译报告。翻译报告的原文《世间之爱》(Love of the Wold),选自爱尔兰当代作家约翰·麦加恩的《短篇小说集》(The Collected Stories)。约翰·麦加恩是爱尔兰文坛上最负盛名的小说家之一,他以描写20世纪中期爱尔兰的乡村生活而著称。人们普遍认为,麦加恩将乡村爱尔兰的现代主义传统发挥到了极致。这则短篇小说是一部婚姻悲剧,它所描绘的是爱尔兰乡村的某个生活片段,它对人性、婚姻以及当时爱尔兰的乡村生活有着极为深刻的思考。本篇翻译报告讨论的核心问题是长难句的翻译,本报告以对等理论为指导,在学会分析和理解长难句的基础之上,通过对原文中典型长难句翻译的研究,总结得出在翻译长难句的过程中,首先要理解原句结构,然后需要弄清句内的逻辑顺序,最后要按照目的语的表达习惯翻译出来。在翻译长难句的过程中,还需要灵活运用诸多翻译方法才能取得句法对等,比如,调序法,顺译法,逆译法和综合法。本报告由四个部分组成。第一,介绍原文作者,介绍小说的主要内容以及原文的语言特色。第二,介绍了整个翻译的过程,翻译过程包括译前、译中和译后过程,其中译前过程讲述了翻译之前的准备,包括材料收集和理论准备,这一部分讲解了指导本次翻译实践的对等理论,译中过程详细讲述了长难句的定义,长难句的特征以及分析和理解长难句的方法,译后过程讲述了在翻译之后修改译文的过程。第三,案例分析,笔者在对等理论的指导下,结合长难句的理解和分析方法,探讨了长难句的翻译过程;最后,笔者总结了本次翻译实践中的主要研究成果。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation report. "Love of the Wold," from the collected stories by John McGarn, a contemporary Irish writer. John McCann is one of the most famous novelists in Irish literature. He is famous for describing the country life of Ireland in the mid-20th century. It is widely believed that McGarne brought the modernist tradition of rural Ireland to its fullest. This short story is a marriage tragedy, which depicts a segment of life in the Irish countryside. It has profound thoughts on human nature, marriage, and then rural life in Ireland. The core issue discussed in this translation report is the translation of long difficult sentences. Based on the theory of equivalence and on the basis of learning to analyze and understand long difficult sentences, this paper studies the translation of typical long difficult sentences in the original text. It is concluded that in the process of translating long and difficult sentences, we should first understand the structure of the original sentence, then make clear the logical order of the sentence, and finally translate it according to the expression habits of the target language. In the process of translating long and difficult sentences, many translation methods are needed to achieve syntactic equivalence, such as the method of adjusting order, the method of sequence translation, the method of inverse translation and the method of synthesis. The present report consists of four parts. First, introduce the original author, the main content of the novel and the language characteristics of the original text. Secondly, the whole process of translation is introduced. The process of translation includes pre-translation, mid-translation and post-translation, in which the pre-translation process describes the preparation before translation, including material collection and theoretical preparation. This part explains the equivalence theory which guides the translation practice. The process of translation describes in detail the definition of long difficult sentence, the characteristics of long difficult sentence and the method of analyzing and understanding long difficult sentence. The post translation process describes the process of modifying the translation after translation. Thirdly, under the guidance of equivalence theory, the author discusses the translation process of long difficult sentences with the understanding and analysis method of long difficult sentences. Finally, the author summarizes the main research results of this translation practice.


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